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OD pages 3-1G and 17' there kS almost nothing about toU[isOl. vvhioh $137OliUioOa <br /> year in revenues and $1OnliUioDintaxes. �seernsafeidxs' nificant component of economic <br /> development and we might want to pay more attention to tourism. <br /> On page 3-19, we're talking about industrial sites, in general, we mention public transportation, <br /> but we don't really come back to it in some of these other office facilities or industrial sites. You <br /> were listing all of these elements of a good highway with a rail access, but public transportation <br /> isn't necessarily realized. For industrial sites, E[}-2.7. If you look at ED-2.6 and ED-2.7. 6 <br /> doesn't mention public transportation at all, 7 mentions rail access, water and sewer, and <br /> highway, but it doesn't really mention public transit. It seems like we should stipulate this. <br /> ED-2.11, "Establish adequate information networks throughout the towns and County" as long- <br /> term, but later on in another chapter it's short term. It should be short-term. Instead of getting <br /> into whether it's long-term, medium-term, or short-term, I'm open to discussion, but some <br /> Planning Board members pointed out to me after the public hearing that they didn't necessarily <br /> think this was very useful. If there are words that are conflicting, then someone should check <br /> and make sure that they all have the same term. I think that ED-2.11 should be short-term, <br /> because having adequate information that works is highly important for economic development. <br /> Unless you mean ongoing, in which case, it should be at the top instead of at the bottom. <br /> Commissioner Carey: Are you saying these term indications weren't the results of Planning <br /> Board discussion, but it was the staff? <br /> Jay Bryan: As I recall, we had discussion about whether or not they were useful and also <br /> about, as I recall, maybe there could be an appendix where you might have what, at this time, <br /> appears to be some ranking. But if you change these then you change the whole document. <br /> Renee Price: These aren't considered the fiscal aspects and we don't know when certain <br /> objectives can get funded. <br /> Tom Altieri: I think some of the thought proces that went into giving some timing component <br /> or schedule component to each of the objectives had to do with the advisory boards coming to <br /> the Commissioners on an annual basis. If they're asked to review this document each year with <br /> the goals and objectives, and then come to you with some ideas on which objective they'd like <br /> to pursue for that given year that would give them some direction as to which ones to look at <br /> first. There are well over 150 objectives to choose from. <br /> Commissioner Carey: The intent was to give the advisory boards an indication of what their <br /> work priority should be. <br /> Chair Jacobs: Of course, if you're the Economic Development Commission, you have your set <br /> of objectives. If there is no position, it may say that it's short term, but if there is no position to <br /> accomplish it, then what's the point. In a few years from now, we may decide to go in a different <br /> direction. So, I just have a question about institutionalizing this Comprehensive Plan. You're <br /> talking about more of how the advisory boards will handle it in the future. They couldn't get this <br /> plan with whoever's take this is on the timeframe. <br /> Commissioner Carey: It is conceivable that it doesn't have to be in the Comprehensive Plan in <br /> order for them to get the message. It could be in the appendices. <br />