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thinking about how the County campus reflects a lot of the values that would be in a sustainable <br /> government; it's compact, it does not bring more traffic to downtown Hillsborough, it has <br /> consolidated services, and our buildings are green to the greatest extent possible. Those are <br /> the kinds of things, that as you go through the document, chapter after chapter, we have <br /> different references for green building standards, or energy efficiency, or public transportation, <br /> or taking care of land that we own in a way that's environmentally responsible. All of those <br /> things fit under the notion of sustainable government. I bring it up now, not necessarily to have <br /> a discussion, but just to bring it to your attention, so as we go through the document, you'll see • <br /> all of the elements that relate to it, and I wrote down a few that I think would be perfectly <br /> characteristic of what would be an idea of sustainable. <br /> Commissioner Gordon: I would say that the whole document is supposed to be sustainable <br /> government, if you look at the Plan Overview. So, I wouldn't want to label Chapter 8 <br /> Sustainable Government. I want that to be a theme throughout. I realize Services and Facilities <br /> is a little bit of a catchall, but it seems to me that what we want in each of these elements is to <br /> reference a sustainable government. So I wouldn't call Chapter 8 Sustainable Government, <br /> because the,whole thing is supposed to be sustainable government. <br /> Discussion ensued about which chapter it was, because Commissioner Carey had this <br /> information in Chapter 9. <br /> Planning staff member: I believe the difference is that in the original draft, the draft had <br /> Chapter 3 as a County Profile Element, and the May 6th draft had pulled the County Profile <br /> Element out and put it in the appendices, so that would have shifted down all of the previous <br /> chapters. So, what was once 9 would now be 8. <br /> Tom Altieri: The CD that was distributed should match the hard copy version. Apparently <br /> there is some type of formatting issue. I will look into this. <br /> Chair Jacobs: So why don't we refer to the chapters by name and not number. <br /> Plan Overview <br /> Commissioner Gordon: I'll draw your attention to page 1-2, underlying theme near the bottom <br /> is, "the County's vision of becoming a more sustainable community. Section 1.3: Toward a <br /> Sustainable Future, provides a summary of ways that the Plan works toward achieving that <br /> vision." That is where it should be highlighted and all should be sustainable. <br /> Chair Jacobs: I don't disagree. What else do you have in that chapter? <br /> Commissioner Gordon: On page 1-11, 1.4.5, Decisions on Implementation: "The Board of <br /> County Commissioners will, as needed and appropriate, prepare a work plan for <br /> Comprehensive Plan implementation strategies that identifies strategies to be initiated in a given <br /> year, the human and financial resources allocated to implementation of the strategies, and the <br /> parties responsible for implementing the strategy." Is that in there just so they won't say, "we're <br /> not doing that, but the Board of Commissioners is doing that," as opposed to referring any <br /> particular task that the Commissioners have. The decisions on implementation will come later, <br /> is that all that really is? Because it looks like a work plan sounds like some kind of document <br /> that we prepared and here's all the things we do to get this done. <br />