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The Planning Board has scheduled an additional l meeting on September 3rdto <br /> complete the review with a recommendation on September The County Commissioners will <br /> receive a recommendation on October 7th With those ch8D0es, it has an impact on when <br /> Clarion Associates might have final neviaioOs, and this was shifted back one month. <br /> The Planning Board also asked that staff include in the August 25th public hearing <br /> agenda materials the following items: 1) an identification of the key differences between the <br /> 1981 Land Use Plan and the new draft plan, and identify any conflicting points that there may be <br /> along the County's advisory boards; 2) handling of the deadline of any final comments coming <br /> from the advisory boards to the Planning Board. An email was sent to the advisory boards with a <br /> suggested deadline of July 9 ,, which would give the Planning Board an opportunity to review <br /> those comments going into the August public hearin0, but this is open for discussion. <br /> Commissioner Gordon made reference to the July gth deadline for comments and said <br /> that the Commission for the Environment meeting was last night and she was told that it would <br /> not meet in July. She asked if the Commission for the Environment could send in its comments <br /> later. She asked that the deadline be extended. <br /> Commissioner Gordon asked wh the plan presented on August 25th would be the same <br /> draft plan that was presented on May I 9th She said that she appreciates the urgency of this, but <br /> she is puzzled that we are asking the advisory boards to hurry up and then not to incorporate the <br /> comments. She said that there should be noted changes in the draft comprehensive plan at the <br /> August 25th meeting. <br /> Chair Jacobs said that the Board should respect that the Planning Board needs <br /> information back by August 6th. He said that the advisory boards have had a year to get their <br /> proposals together, and the comments can come before or after the public hearing. He does not <br /> want the advisory board to go back and redo the comment section, unless there are changes. <br /> Commissioner Carey said that this is reasonable. <br /> Commissioner Gordon said that there is at least one board that got the presentation but <br /> did not get the agenda materials ahead of time; thenahore. no comments were made that same <br /> night. She said that August 6th is a more reasonable date than July 9th. Chair Jacobs said that <br /> the Planning Board needs time to read the comments before its August 6th meeting. <br /> Commissioner Gordon said that she would like to have comments in by the public <br /> hearing. She asked to hear from the Planning Board Chair. <br /> Tom Altieri said that if the comment period is extended noxv, then the Planning Board will <br /> need more time to come back with a recommendation. Regarding the August 25th document <br /> being the aome, he said that it was staff's understanding that the purpose of holding an <br /> additional public hearing would be to allow the public and the advisory boards additional <br /> opportunity to review the large document. If another draft were created, the Planning Board <br /> would be in the same predicament of people not having enough time to review it. <br /> Planning Board Chair Jay Bryan said that some of the same questions were raised by <br /> the Planning Board. He said that the board felt that this timeline was the best it could do under <br /> the circumstances and time directed by the Board of County Commissioners. He said that the <br /> Planning Board put a 2 1/2 year schedule in front of the Board of County Commissioners and <br /> then the Board narrowed it down to two years, ao, in some xxaya, it is really the Board of County <br /> Commissioners' schedule. <br /> Chair Jacobs asked if the Planning Board would prefer to have time to consider <br /> additional comments by its July meeting. <br /> Jay Bryan said that, generally, the Planning Board would prefer to have time to consider <br /> the additional comments. The sooner the Planning Board has a structure for grappling with the <br /> c000enta, the better. He thinks that all advisory boards should be welcome to make <br /> comments, by the July meeting or by the public hearing. <br /> Chair Jacobs suggested that advisory boards would have to have comments in by <br /> m m <br /> August 13 forth�0 �Vb� r��dybyth� p�b|i� haaringonth� 25 . <br />