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Jay Bryan: On the idea of every board reporting to you every year, you could do it at your <br /> retreat. <br /> Renee Price: It could be part of the implementation section of the Comprehensive Plan <br /> altogether; that the methodology for doing this could be put into the implementation so that it <br /> doesn't get lost. <br /> Chair Jacobs: If you all could put it in writing and then we'll share it with the other <br /> Commissioners. <br /> On 3-20 and some other pages, ED-3.3, Durham Tech has asked that they be changed to what <br /> they're called, which is , Durham Technical Community College. <br /> On 3-21 at the very bottom, there are a couple of places like this that are things like tax relief or <br /> reduced taxes, and it's just very vague. I'd rather have something specific. Since we're saying, <br /> "such as extending use value to smaller parcels that produce sufficient income " That was <br /> the recommendation of the Smart Growth Commission, which is that if somebody's growing <br /> herbs on an acre, they can't qualify for use value even if they make $5,000 on an acre when <br /> they would otherwise qualify. If we're talking about actually saying, "such as", that's something <br /> that would be of little use to producers in Orange County and probably in Durham and Chatham <br /> as well. Instead of just saying "tax relief', I'd like to give an example. This is on page 3-21, <br /> Objective AG-2 (Ongoing). <br /> Commissioner Gordon: Let me just take issue with "tax relief." You should call it "tax <br /> assistance," and the reason is, if you're a government, and people need tax relief from you, you <br /> might want to think about whether you're talking about tax assistance or tax relief. From a <br /> government point of view, I think you want to talk about tax assistance. <br /> Chair Jacobs: And then on the next page, ED-2.7, on page 3-22, where it lists the elements <br /> that should be available in industrial sites and it doesn't mention public transit. <br /> And then on Intergovernmental Coordination on 3-23, we totally missed Mebane and the fact <br /> that we're working in partnership with Mebane in the Economic Development District. <br /> Commissioner Carey: I want to go back to 3-22, WW-5. I thought we had already done that, <br /> "Work with municipalities to designate Urbanizing Reserve areas for public water and sewer <br /> services when land capacity is needed for higher density development." <br /> Commissioner Gordon: What is urbanizing reserve? <br /> Commissioner Carey: It's a new term, but I was using it synonymous with transition areas. <br /> Chair Jacobs: I know there was an urbanizing reserve area with the Eno EDD. That's the only <br /> place I've ever seen it. <br /> Craig Benedict: There is an area outside our transition zones that are still within the Water and <br /> Sewer Boundary Agreement. So, it's an area that the Water and Sewer Boundary says you can <br /> have utilities, that have not yet been designated as these urban transition areas. So what this <br /> plan suggests is to just call that a transition reserve, or urban reserve, because there is still that <br /> potential for public water and sewer. <br />