Orange County NC Website
0 <br />STAFF COMMENT: The proposed amendment would only require <br />a professionally prepared site plan in those instances where land <br />disturbance activity would require the submittal of a professionally <br />prepared stormwater management plan. There is no additional <br />costs imposed on local residents /property owners if the amendment <br />is approved. <br />3. A BOCC member indicated she did not want existing regulations, <br />specifically the requirement of a professionally prepared site plan for <br />development within the University Lake Protected and Critical Watershed <br />Overlay districts, to change. <br />STAFF COMMENT: Staff reiterated the amendment would not alter <br />development limitations (i.e. impervious surface limits) within <br />Watershed Protection Overlay Districts. <br />The only potential impact of the proposed amendment would be an <br />expansion, or elimination, of the requirement for a professionally <br />prepared site plan in watershed areas within an impervious surface <br />limit of 6% depending on which course of action if chosen. <br />As written, the amendment package would still require a <br />professionally prepared site plan if established stormwater <br />management land disturbance thresholds were exceeded. <br />There is existing language within the UDO allowing staff to require a <br />professionally prepared site plan in those instances where a plot <br />plan fails to demonstrate a proposed development project is <br />compliance with applicable regulations. <br />4. There was a general concern the proposal would allow for an increase in <br />development opportunity within the various watershed districts. <br />STAFF COMMENT: The proposal would not impact existing <br />impervious surface limits in any Watershed Protection Overlay <br />District. <br />The text amendment only seeks to clarify when a professionally <br />prepared site plan is required and does not increase allowable <br />impervious surface area throughout the County. <br />5. There was a general comment made over the need to have uniformity <br />within the UDO with respect to when a professionally prepared site plan <br />would be required. <br />A BOCC member felt requiring a professionally prepared site plan when <br />land disturbance thresholds, consistent with existing stormwater <br />management standards, were exceeded was a reasonable standard <br />versus basing the submission on impervious surface limits. <br />6. A Planning Board member asked why the Haw River Protected Watershed <br />Overlay District was not included within staff's recommendation for the <br />submission of a professionally prepared site plan. <br />STAFF COMMENT: The Haw River Protected Watershed Overlay <br />District has an impervious surface limit of 24 %. <br />5 <br />