Orange County NC Website
12 <br /> 1 county's leadership in recycling is so great and he questions the implication of moving to <br /> 2 franchise. He does not want to see quality of service and the rate of recycling lost in the <br /> 3 shuffle. He said he feels the county manager's proposals and the town's reactions bode poorly <br /> 4 for quality of service. <br /> 5 Town Manager Roger Stancil said it was the three town managers' opinion that the <br /> 6 same level of service would be able to be achieved for less cost, because of density and the <br /> 7 ability to integrate the program with pay as you throw and other collections. He said solid waste <br /> 8 is a big core service and there are some real ways to gain efficiency. He said he is not <br /> 9 advocating for anything at this point. <br /> 10 Chair Jacobs referenced the legislative ruling from the State Supreme Court on Lanvale <br /> 11 Properties LLC versus Cabarrus County. He said if you read comments from State Legislators <br /> 12 further restricting counties, this case is cited as part of the rationale. <br /> 13 Council Member Lee Starrow said he gives thumbs up to the pay as you throw option. <br /> 14 He said there is something very unsatisfying about a voluntary program, and he feels that the <br /> 15 final two options the Manager laid out seem to be the most successful. <br /> 16 Chair Jacobs said he agrees with Commissioner Rich and Council Member Jim Ward. <br /> 17 He said that it seems that the county and the towns are not planning together and he is <br /> 18 disappointed. He asked why the county is not part of the conversation about the transfer <br /> 19 station. He questioned why the elected officials are not meeting together to figure out joint <br /> 20 solutions rather than waiting to see what other jurisdictions are doing. He asked how a <br /> 21 comprehensive system can be achieved if everyone is operating in different realms. He is <br /> 22 willing to meet with other elected officials about this. He said the reason solid waste has been <br /> 23 so successful is because elected officials in the past made decisions to do solid waste together <br /> 24 and set an aggressive goal. He urged his colleagues to plan more together. He said SWAB <br /> 25 does not have a charge at this point. He said that a short term charge could be developed to <br /> 26 allow meetings and development of a new inter-local agreement. <br /> 27 Mayor Kleinschmidt said there is some tension here because this is a transition point in <br /> 28 a process that had previously worked so well. He said it is in the interest of all of the towns, <br /> 29 which have limited their growth but expanded their numbers, to look at the alternatives to create <br /> 30 efficiency. He said it is easier to pick up recycling and solid waste in high density areas. He <br /> 31 said, with regard the countywide option, it would be unwise not to know what the opportunity, <br /> 32 cost and trade-offs would be when marrying urban and rural service. <br /> 33 Chair Jacobs said he is not sure that equal effort is being put into looking at the options. <br /> 34 He said he understands that it is reasonable to question assumptions in this transition period, <br /> 35 and to look at what is most cost efficient. He does not see the same effort going into <br /> 36 investigating how to work together in reaching goals. <br /> 37 Mayor Kleinschmidt thanked Frank Clifton for always including this as an option and he <br /> 38 said he fully expects the manager and the Board to come up with solutions incorporating the <br /> 39 varying densities of the entire county. He said the role of the county is to see the options <br /> 40 county-wide, and the town's role is to consider the options that best serve the taxpayers of <br /> 41 Chapel Hill. <br /> 42 Chair Jacobs said he would just like to make sure both sides get back together before <br /> 43 any decisions are made. <br /> 44 Commissioner Price pointed out that the term county-wide does not include the entire <br /> 45 county when referring to service areas. <br /> 46 Mayor Kleinschmidt said he was referring to her responsibilities as a County <br /> 47 Commissioner. <br /> 48 Commissioner Price said she is looking forward to continuing to work with the towns in <br /> 49 coming up with a solution. She said she appreciates Commissioner Pelissier's comment about <br /> 50 viewing this as an opportunity. <br />