Agenda - 05-07-2013 - 5a
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 05-07-2013 - Regular Mtg.
Agenda - 05-07-2013 - 5a
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10/20/2014 2:04:51 PM
Creation date
5/6/2013 9:50:00 AM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
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Minutes 05-07-2013
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14 <br /> 1 He said he does not understand why a consultant is needed. He said he has no <br /> 2 reservation in speaking freely and does not see the need for a third party. He feels that a board <br /> 3 member can compile the information. <br /> 4 Chair Jacobs said, with regard to the first question, whoever is assigned to do the <br /> 5 minutes will summarize the comments. He deferred to Commissioner Rich and Commissioner <br /> 6 Price about the consultant. <br /> 7 Commissioner Rich said an impartial, outside person leading a conversation can get <br /> 8 more information out of people and then this person compiles it in a professional review. She <br /> 9 noted that this compilation process requires a lot of work. <br /> 10 Commissioner Dorosin said he has less faith in the facilitation process in general and as <br /> 11 an internal operation this is an issue already being wrestled with. He said in general there <br /> 12 should be able to be candid conversations about these things. <br /> 13 Commissioner Price said she was hesitant at first too and then changed her mind after <br /> 14 meeting Peg Carlson. She noted that no one on the board has experience in Human <br /> 15 Resources. She said the consultant can bring so much expertise to this process. She said the <br /> 16 consultant would work as a guide to what needs to be talked about and how to move forward in <br /> 17 the process. She said, in the case of the manager, something that works needs to be in place, <br /> 18 for now and for the future when a new manager comes in. She said this can happen with the <br /> 19 consultant operating at a bare minimum if that is what is desired. She also said it is standard <br /> 20 now for employees to be able to see their evaluations. <br /> 21 Commissioner Gordon said it would be good to approve a process and have an <br /> 22 evaluation form. She said there are effects of group dynamics when things are discussed and <br /> 23 a set of objective questions and a collation process will give a more objective result. She said <br /> 24 that the Commissioners should decide on the evaluation form and use it as a template to do <br /> 25 individual evaluations. She said the form for a compilation of the evaluations should have a <br /> 26 matrix with scores and then a section for comments. Then when the evaluation forms are <br /> 27 collated, no information or comments are lost. She said that this information can be prepared <br /> 28 ahead of time for the entire Board to look at prior to a group conversation. This takes the group <br /> 29 dynamic effect out of each person's evaluation. She said that her recommendation is that the <br /> 30 Commissioner's agree to an evaluation instrument and have someone collate it with all <br /> 31 statements included. <br /> 32 Commissioner Rich asked why Commissioner Gordon feels the comments should not <br /> 33 be attributed to a specific person. <br /> 34 Commissioner Gordon said this would allow people to be more candid. <br /> 35 Commissioner Pelissier said one of the problems the Board has had is that some parts <br /> 36 of this process have been done for some of the evaluations and then not done for others. She <br /> 37 said she agrees that some comments should be given before the Board meets to talk. She said <br /> 38 that people have not always given comments ahead of time. She clarified that Donna Baker <br /> 39 never compiled her information; the Chair did. She said that this compilation did not take a lot <br /> 40 of work. She said that the private discussion meeting is where you don't want attributions; so if <br /> 41 comments are made ahead of time, they can be made anonymous. She said this is the <br /> 42 responsibility of the Commissioners to provide these comments. <br /> 43 Donna Baker said she did compilations for the Attorney's evaluation and there were <br /> 44 often no comments, just ratings. She said the comments are helpful to the staff. <br /> 45 John Roberts said the Human Resources Director could compile for the clerk and the <br /> 46 attorney. <br /> 47 Chair Jacobs asked him how the prior form has worked. <br /> 48 John Roberts said the form works fine for him and is similar to other local governments' <br /> 49 forms for attorneys. He said that it is difficult for him to formulate a work plan for submission <br /> 50 because so much of his work plan is reactive to the Board's needs. <br />
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