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13 <br /> 1 Commissioner Price said she asked the consultant about anonymity. Peg Carlson said <br /> 2 her experience is that people are usually pretty comfortable speaking in a group and she can <br /> 3 handle it if someone needs to make a private comment. <br /> 4 Commissioner Rich said Peg Carlson said that in many cases a form isn't even <br /> 5 necessary when she is there. The conversation is what is most important and the consultant <br /> 6 knows how to put it into the proper format for an evaluation. <br /> 7 Chair Jacobs asked for an explanation of the vision for the Attorney and Clerk <br /> 8 evaluations. <br /> 9 Commissioner Price said she thought Peg Carlson should be involved in that process <br /> 10 also, because someone would need to collect the forms and gather information. <br /> 11 Commissioner Rich said she does not know what has been done in the past and there is <br /> 12 accountability to state requirements. <br /> 13 Commissioner Price said the questions would be specific to those positions, but it still <br /> 14 begs the question of need for an outside facilitator. <br /> 15 Donna Baker asked for clarification on the concerns. She said the concern is how to <br /> 16 gather information and give it to the Board, etc. She said the current process is for her and the <br /> 17 Attorney to do their own forms and then give these to the Board to be done individually and <br /> 18 then discussed in closed session. Then the information is given back to the clerk to be <br /> 19 summarized, or this could be given to the Chair. Donna Baker said that she would be more <br /> 20 comfortable if the information goes to an outside consultant, or to one of the Board Members. <br /> 21 Commissioner Rich said this could certainly be tried with a consultant for one year and <br /> 22 then possibly passed delegate it to the Chair on the following year. <br /> 23 Chair Jacobs said, for the Clerk and County Attorney, the Board could just respond to <br /> 24 work plan, and then have a board member or consultant to collate the information. He said the <br /> 25 other option is to meet before reviewing the person, get the work plan and then have the <br /> 26 conversation, but this requires 2 meetings. <br /> 27 Donna Baker asked if the consultant could simply collate the results and give a <br /> 28 summary back to the Commissioners before the meeting. <br /> 29 Chair Jacobs said this is a possibility. <br /> 30 Commissioner Price said this will bring in a time frame for doing the work. <br /> 31 Chair Jacobs said that the way it works now, there is no prior conversation. The forms <br /> 32 are given to the Board; the board meets with the staff member and has the first conversation; <br /> 33 everyone leaves; the forms are given to someone to be collated; and the chair is asked to give <br /> 34 feedback to the staff member. He asked how this process will be followed or diverged from <br /> 35 under the proposed plan. <br /> 36 Commissioner Rich said the consultant said the current process for the two staff <br /> 37 members works, but the process for the manager position did not. She said she understands if <br /> 38 it Peg Carlson is needed to collate some information for these. <br /> 39 Commissioner Price said she has no problem with the information being collated by the <br /> 40 Chair, only with it being collated by Clerk or the Attorney. <br /> 41 Donna Baker agreed with this and said this responsibility should be given to a Board <br /> 42 member <br /> 43 Commissioner Price said she prefers the use of a work plan, but either a form or work <br /> 44 plan would do. <br /> 45 Commissioner Dorosin asked if information on all Board comments is just put into one <br /> 46 document, as it seems it is done now, or if there is a general summary or paraphrasing of <br /> 47 comments. He said that if the Board gets written comments, then the staff member should get <br /> 48 all of those actual comments, even if there is a summary. <br />