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12 <br /> 1 whether this could substitute for the existing facility. He said this discussion is not addressed <br /> 2 directly in the CIP. He said he would like to comb through this at their next CIP work session. <br /> 3 Chair Jacobs clarified that Whitted Building is still in two more fiscal years, 2015 and <br /> 4 2016. He noted that there is a fair amount of money already on hand that has been moved <br /> 5 over from the Link Center. <br /> 6 Frank Clifton said this was budgeted for it but not financed. <br /> 7 Chair Jacobs asked if there is still flexibility to finance it earlier if the County is under <br /> 8 15% and Frank Clifton said yes. <br /> 9 Commissioner Gordon underscored the need to address the older schools, including the <br /> 10 Culbreth science labs. <br /> 11 Chair Jacobs referenced the pie chart on page 3 of the PowerPoint, and noted that this <br /> 12 is a departure from the last 5 years in the amount of funding going to county projects. He asked <br /> 13 if this could be compared to prior years at the next meeting. <br /> 14 <br /> 15 4. Discussion on Facilitating the Performance Evaluation Process for Three Staff <br /> 16 Members Appointed by the Board —County Attorney, Clerk, and Manager <br /> 17 Commissioner Rich said the sub-committee met with a consultant, Peg Carlson, for <br /> 18 discussion. She said Commissioner Price brought in information and forms from NACo, SOG, <br /> 19 NCACC, and other counties. <br /> 20 She said there is nothing standard in place at this point. She said she feels it is <br /> 21 important that the Board move forward with setting something up for the manager, but that the <br /> 22 clerk and the county attorney could be handled in a different manner. She said the cost to <br /> 23 handle only the manager would be less than doing all three positions, and she is not sure more <br /> 24 funds need to be spent to do the other two positions. <br /> 25 She said her recommendation would be to have the consultant involved in the <br /> 26 Manager's review to get a system in place for this first time. Then the Board could evaluate if <br /> 27 the consultant is needed again the next year. <br /> 28 Commissioner Price said Peg Carlson was very helpful, and it was clear in looking at <br /> 29 different examples of evaluation forms, that guidance is needed. She said Peg Carlson gave <br /> 30 three different ways this can be dealt with: 1) Facilitator is involved in walking the Board through <br /> 31 the whole process, 2) Facilitator comes to sit down with each Board member to record <br /> 32 individual comments and evaluations, or 3) Facilitator would act as mediator to receive forms <br /> 33 and pass them on. <br /> 34 She said that it would be a different process for the manager versus the county attorney <br /> 35 and clerk. She said evaluation forms that she received from other sources would be hard to fill <br /> 36 out unless working side by side with the manager or attorney. <br /> 37 <br /> 38 Commissioner Rich said the Board can meet individually or as a group with Peg <br /> 39 Carlson, who would help compile all of the information and help lead the <br /> 40 conversation/evaluation. Commissioner Rich said that in the past, the evaluations went to <br /> 41 Donna Baker, who was responsible for compiling this information. She said this was striking <br /> 42 and she and the consultant felt this was not right. She asked for Donna Baker's input on this. <br /> 43 Donna Baker said, as an employee, she had sensitive and confidential information and <br /> 44 she kept it that way. She acknowledged that this is probably not the norm and the suggestion <br /> 45 to have an outside, objective facilitator is a good one. She said that this will also give more <br /> 46 freedom of discussion. <br /> 47 Commissioner Price said that the cost for the consultant should also be considered. <br /> 48 Commissioner Rich said that is why she recommends going with the consultant, but <br /> 49 doing the evaluation discussions as a group to lessen the time, and the cost of the consultant. <br />