Orange County NC Website
Apr-29-99 12: 16P Town of Carrboro 919 968 7737 s <br /> 11 <br /> Memo Re:NSA Ordinance-SuppicMental lnfunnation Page 2 <br /> 0429/99 <br /> Village Mixed Use(VMU1 District: Den lty <br /> a) The NSA Plan establishes an overall target density for area of 2.1 dwelling units per acre.' <br /> This density is consistent with that currently found in Carrboro. The residential units in <br /> Carrboro total approximately 7,400, 63 percent of which are multi-family, including <br /> duplexes, condominiums, townhouses, and apartments. <br /> b) The NSA Plan establishes a target density far mixed-use areas of 5 dwelling units per acre. <br /> c) Village base density is equivalent to R-10 zone. R-10 is a residential zone with a standard <br /> miminwm.lot size and density allocation per dwelling unit of 10,000 square feet. <br /> d) Density calculations under existing conditions and the provisions of the NSA plan and draft <br /> ordinance are presented in the table below. A note regarding these calculations is as follows: <br /> 1) The information presented includes all existing development and the full development <br /> of all other parcels of five acres or greater in size within the NSA, which is made up of <br /> areas within the city limits and ETJ and the Transition Areas, <br /> Landl M42ptnent Characteristics Land Area* th ks* 3•— <br /> 1. Northern Study Area(NSA) 3365 1531 .45 <br /> 2. NSA without city limits 2646 503 .2 <br /> 1 City limits portion of NSA 719 1028 l.a � - <br /> 4. Existin&zoning 3365 4561 1.3 <br /> 5. Existing zoning, net density, no 4136 1.2 <br /> VMU _ <br /> 6. Existing zoning, net density, 350 4697 1.4 <br /> acres of VMU(no bonus un!p) <br /> 7. Existing zoning, net density, 350 5695 IT <br /> arm of VMU (includes <br /> .approximately 998 bonus units, " <br /> 425 of which are "affordable") <br /> * Figures estimated from 1998 analysis of developed and undeveloped parcels in NSA. <br /> C 121. Village Mixed Use(VMU1 District: Location <br /> a) Conditional use districts are "floating"-no specific locations are targeted; <br /> b) Specified charachwisdcs associated with design, and density to support additional design will <br /> make some sites more suitable than others; <br /> e) 50-200 acre size range and 350-acre cap on VMU districts will affect ration; <br /> d) VMU developments may not generate traffic that will endanger the public health and safety; <br /> e) VMU developments must be able to be served by OWASA water and sewer services; <br /> f) VMU developments with commercial components must be located 200 feet from an arterial <br /> road and at least one--half mile from the nearest edge of another commercial center. <br /> g) "Connector Roads Policy"adopted by the Board of Alderman identifies major road corridors. <br /> VMU locations and road networks will need to comply with that policy and with road <br /> connectivity requirements included in the l.attd Use Ordinance. <br /> Xc: Carrboro Mayor and Board of Aldermen, Robert Morgan, Roy Williford <br /> 301 West Main SOW,Carrboro,NC 27510•(019)986-7714.FAX(919)968-7737•TM(919)W&7717 <br /> AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER <br />