Orange County NC Website
H:\WP61\CONTRACT\CONSOLI D\99-OOCC.FRM Page 10 of 11 <br /> 10. Final payments will be made based on the 4th quarter expenditure report. Final <br /> payments will be equal to the difference between approved reported expenditures <br /> and the sum of previous payments. Final payments should be made not later than <br /> September provided that an original signed copy of an expenditure report for each <br /> quarter has been received by the Office of the Controller. Final payment will be <br /> made only after the Staff Time Activity Report, 3389, Environmental Health <br /> Report, 3788, and Food and Lodging, 3888 are received by the State. <br /> I. AMENDMENT OF CONTRACT <br /> Amendments, modifications, or waivers of this contract may be made at any time by <br /> mutual agreement of all parties. Amendments shall be in writing and signed by <br /> appropriate authorities. <br /> J. PROVISION OF TERMINATION <br /> This contract may be terminated for reasons other than non-compliance upon sixty (60) <br /> days written notice by either party. If termination should occur, the Department shall <br /> receive payment only for allowable expenditures. <br /> The State may withhold payment to the Department until the State can determine whether <br /> the Department is entitled to further payment or whether the State is entitled to a refund. <br /> K. COMPLIANCE <br /> 1. The State shall assure compliance with all terms of this contract. <br /> a. Upon determination of non-compliance, the State shall give the <br /> Department sixty (60) days written notice to come into compliance. If the <br /> deficiency is corrected, the Department shall submit a written report to the <br /> State which sets forth the corrective action taken. <br /> b. If the above deficiencies should not be corrected to the satisfaction of the <br /> State after the sixty(60) day period, disbursement of funds for the <br /> particular activity may be temporarily suspended pending negotiation of a <br /> plan of corrective action. <br /> C. If the deficiency is still not corrected within the next thirty (30) days <br /> following temporary suspension of funding, program funds may be <br /> permanently suspended until the Department can provide evidence that <br /> the deficiencies have been corrected. <br /> d. In the event of the Department's non-compliance with clauses of this <br /> contract, the State may cancel, terminate, or suspend this contract in <br /> whole or in part and the Department may be declared ineligible for further <br /> State contracts or agreements. Such terminations for non-compliance <br /> shall not occur until: (1) the provisions of Section K-1 (a-c) have been <br /> followed, documented, and have failed to provide a resolution, (2) all other <br /> reasonable administrative remedies have been exhausted. <br /> 2. If the Department or the State should be determined out of compliance with the <br /> provisions of the contract, either party may file a formal appeal with the Office of <br /> Administrative Hearings. <br />