<br /> 1 Standards,"and Section+5-161 is rewritten to read as follows:
<br /> 2
<br /> 3 Section 15-161"Good Neighbor"Performance Standards for Non-Residential Uses
<br /> 4
<br /> 5 The provisions of this part are designed to provide performance standards by which applications for
<br /> 6 non-residential development will be evaluated by the town and by which the actual performance of those
<br /> 7 operations and uses will be monitored by the town for compliance. The purposes of these performance
<br /> 8 standards are to protect the town in general,and abutting and neighboring landowners in particular, from any
<br /> 9 potential negative impacts that new nonresidential uses may have on the physical environment and on the
<br /> 10 quality of life currently enjoyed by the residents of Carrboro's planning jurisdiction.
<br /> 11 Jr
<br /> 12 SECTION 12. Section 15-162 is rewritten to read as follows:
<br /> 13
<br /> 14 Section 15-162 Smoke,Dust,Fumes,Vapors.Gases,and Odors.
<br /> 15
<br /> 16 (a) Emission of smoke, dust, dirt, fly ash, or other particulate matter, or of noxious, toxic or
<br /> 17 corrosive fumes,vapors,or gases in such quantities as to be evident or perceptible at the property line of any
<br /> 18 lot on which a use is conducted, or which could be injurious to human health, animals, or vegetation, or
<br /> 19 which could be detrimental to the enjoyment of adjoining or nearby properties, or which could soil or stain
<br /> 20 persons or property, at any point beyond the lot line of the commercial or industrial establishment creating
<br /> 21 that emission shall be prohibited.
<br /> 22
<br /> 23 (b) No use shall be permitted to produce harmful, offensive, or bothersome odors, scents, or
<br /> 24 aromas (such as, but not limited to, those produced by manufacturing processes, food preparation, food
<br /> 25 processing, fish sales, rendering, fermentation processes, decaying organic matter, and incinerators)
<br /> 26 perceptible beyond the property line of the lot where such use is located either at ground level or any
<br /> 27 habitable elevation.
<br /> 28
<br /> 29 (c) The location and vertical height of all exhaust fans, vents, chimneys, or any other sources
<br /> 30 discharging or emitting smoke, fumes, gases, vapors, odors, scents or aromas shall be shown on the
<br /> 31 application plans,with a description of the source materials.
<br /> 32
<br /> 33 SECTION 13. Section 15-165 (Odors)is repealed and replaced with a new Section 15-165 to react as
<br /> 34 follows:
<br /> 35
<br /> 36 Section 15-165 Ground Water Suumv.
<br /> 37
<br /> 38 (a) All outdoor storage facilities for fuel,chemical, or industrial wasters, and potentially harmful
<br /> 39 raw materials, shall be located on impervious pavement, and shall be completely enclosed by an impenvious
<br /> 40 dike high enough to contain the total volume of liquid kept in the storage area,plus the accumulated rainfall
<br /> 41 of a fifty (50) year storm. This requirement is intended to prevent harmful materials from spilling and
<br /> 42 seeping into the ground,contaminating the groundwater.
<br /> 43
<br /> 44 (b) Non-corrosive storage tanks for heating oil and diesel fuel, not exceeding two hundred
<br /> 45 seventy five(275)gallons in size,may be exempted from the requirements of this section provided that there
<br /> 46 is no seasonal high water table within four(4)feet of the surface, and that rapidly permeable sandy soils are
<br /> ..........................................................................................................................................................................-..................,......................................................................
<br /> rnage 23 of 35
<br />