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' vD 1AMTMO � SS <br /> 1 - - — landscaping such as in village greens,parks,and squares shall be addressed. <br /> 2 <br /> 3 g. The developer shall be required to post a suitable performance bond to ensure <br /> 4 that any tree that dies within eighteen (18) months of planting shall be <br /> 5 replaced with the same species and size, and that any tree shall be well <br /> 6 maintained, i.e., irrigated and fertilized, for a total of thirty-six (36) months <br /> 7 from time of planting. If trees are removed, they shall be replaced with trees <br /> 8 of similar size and function. <br /> 9 <br /> 10 SECTION 6. Article XII is amended by adding a new Section 15-182.4 to read as follows: <br /> 11 <br /> 12 Section 15-182.4 Residential Density Bonuses for Affordable Housing_ <br /> 13 <br /> 14 (a) For purposes of this section, an affordable housing unit means a dwelling unit(i)that is <br /> 15 offered for sale at a price that does not exceed two and a half times an amount equal to eighty percent of <br /> 16 the annual median income level for a family of four in the Raleigh-Durham-Chapel Hill Metropolitan <br /> 17 Statistical Area or is offered for rent at a monthly rate that does not exceed an amount equal to 35 percent <br /> 18 of the monthly median income level for a family of four in the Raleigh-Durham-Chapel Hill Metropolitan <br /> 19 Statistical Area, and(ii)with respect to which the developer has arranged for the affordable housing units <br /> 20 to remain affordable as descried herein for a period of not less than 100 years, commencing from the date <br /> 21 of initial occupancy of the units,by including provisions to ensure such continued affordability in legally <br /> 22 binding agreements (including but not limited to a ground lease, a deed restriction or other covenant) <br /> 23 running with the unit. Such agreements shall be reviewed and approved by the Town of Carrboro prior to <br /> 24 initial occupancy of the units. The units may not be occupied and the agreements may not be recorded or <br /> 25 filed until such agreements are reviewed and approved by the Town of Carrboro,and(iii)that conforms to <br /> 26 the town's"Village Mixed Use and Affordable Housing Vernacular Architectural Standards." <br /> 27 <br /> 28 (b) The maximum residential density permissible within a development whose maximum density <br /> 29 would otherwise be determined in accordance with the provisions of subsection 15-182.3(b) shall be <br /> 30 increased by two dwelling units for every one affordable housing unit included within the development, up <br /> 31 to a maximum of 150% of the density otherwise allowable. To illustrate, if the maximum density of a tract <br /> 32 would be 100 dwelling units considering only the provisions of subsection 182.3(b), a developer who chose <br /> 33 to construct 10 affordable housing units as part of the development of that tract would be allowed to <br /> 34. construct 10 additional dwelling units that did not satisfy the "affordability" criteria set forth in subsection <br /> 35 (a), for a total density of 120 dwelling units. In this illustration,the maximum possible density that could be <br /> 36 achieved would be 150 dwelling units if the developer constructed at least 25 affordable housing units. <br /> 37 <br /> 38 (c) Within any development that provides affordable housing units, the minimum area that must <br /> 39 be set aside as open space to satisfy the requirements of Section 15-198 may be reduced by an amount equal <br /> 40 to twice the land area consumed by all such affordable housing units, subject to a maximum reduction of 10 <br /> 41 percent in the amount of open space otherwise required. <br /> 42 <br /> 43 (d) Affordable housing units constructed in accordance with this section shall be interspersed <br /> 44 throughout the development rather than isolated in one area and segregated from the other dwellings that do <br /> 45 not satisfy the"affordability"criteria set forth in subsection(a). <br /> 46 <br /> ............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................ <br /> ,Page 20 of 35 <br />