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EFLAND-CHEEKS COMMUNITY SCHOOL PARK 55679.CD <br /> Phase One <br /> Party of the Second Part a construction schedule setting forth planned progress of the project <br /> broken down by the various divisions or part of the work and by calendar days. If the Party of the <br /> First Part fails to begin the work under the contract within the time specified, or the progress of <br /> the work is not maintained on schedule, or the work is not completed within the time above <br /> specified, or fails to perform the work with sufficient workmen and equipment or with sufficient <br /> materials to ensure the prompt completion of said work,or shall perform the work unsuitably or <br /> shall discontinue the prosecution of the work,or if the Party of the First Part shall become <br /> insolvent or be declared bankrupt or commit any act of bankruptcy or insolvency, or allow any <br /> final judgment to stand against him unsatisfied for a period of forty-eight(48)hours, or shall <br /> make an assignment for the benefit of creditors, or for any other cause whatsoever shall not carry <br /> on the work in an acceptable manner,the Party of the Second Part may give notice in writing, <br /> sent by certified mail,return receipt requested,to the Party of the First Part and his surety of such <br /> delay, neglect or default, specifying the same, and if the Party of the First Part within a period of <br /> fifteen(15)days after such notice shall not proceed in accordance therewith,then the Party of the <br /> Second Part shall, declare this contract in default, and,thereupon,the surety shall promptly take <br /> over the work and complete the performance of this contract in the manner and within the time <br /> frame specified. In the event the surety shall fail to take over the work to be done under this <br /> contract within fifteen(15)days after being so notified and notify the Party of the Second Part in <br /> writing, sent by certified mail, return receipt requested,that he is taking the same over and stating <br /> that he will diligently pursue and complete the same,the Party of the Second Part shall have full <br /> power and authority, without violating the contract,to take the prosecution of the work out of the <br /> hands of said Party of the First Part,to appropriate or use any or all contract materials and <br /> equipment on the grounds as may be suitable and acceptable and may enter into an agreement, <br /> either by public letting or negotiation, for the completion of said contract according to the terms <br /> and provisions thereof or use such other methods as in his opinion shall be required for the <br /> completion of said contract in an acceptable manner. All costs and charges incurred by the Party <br /> of the Second Part,together with the costs of completing the work under contract, shall be <br /> deducted from any monies due or which may become due said Party of the First Part and surety. <br /> In case the expense so incurred by the Party of the Second Part shall be less than the sum which <br /> would have been payable under the contract, if it had been completed by said Party of the First <br /> Part,then the said Party of the First Part and surety shall be entitled to receive the difference,but <br /> in case such expense shall exceed the sum which would have been payable under the contract, <br /> then the Party of the First Part and the surety shall be liable and shall pay to the Party of the <br /> Second Part the amount of said excess. <br /> 3. The Party of the Second Part hereby agrees to pay to the Party of the First Part for the faithful <br /> performance of this agreement, subject to additions and deductions as provided in the <br /> specifications or proposal, in lawful money of the United States as follows: Seven hundred <br /> and fifty one thousand two hundred and seventy three DOLLARS ($ 751,273.00). <br /> Summary of Contract Award: <br /> 4. On or before the 20th day of each calendar month,the Party of the Second Part shall make <br /> payments to the Party of the First Part on the basis of a duly certified and approved estimate of <br /> work performed during the preceding calendar month by the First Party, less five percent(5%) of <br /> the amount of such estimate which is to be retained by the Second Party until all work has been <br /> performed strictly in accordance with this agreement and until such work has been accepted by <br /> the Second Party. The Second Party may elect to waive retainage requirements after 50 percent <br /> of the work has been satisfactorily completed on schedule as referred to in Article 31 of the <br /> General Conditions. <br /> 5. Upon submission by the First Party of evidence satisfactory to the Second Party that all payrolls, <br /> material bills and other costs incurred by the First Party in connection with the construction of the <br /> February 12, 1999 20501-2 FORM OF CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT <br />