Orange County NC Website
The Carrboro Board has not been looking at this potential property as one that would have the <br /> library on the park part of the property. She suggested that it be added onto the list of <br /> potential sites to be reviewed on April 9. <br /> Patrick McDonough said he has been a resident of Orange County for 13 years and he <br /> is a parent and is speaking on his own behalf. He said there is room for improvement on the <br /> site selection process. He shared some highlights of an email he sent previously and said that <br /> the staff criteria are painfully biased against urban locations. He said that a minimum acreage <br /> standard is not needed, rather a minimum square foot to fulfill library functions. He said that <br /> the Board might look at whether the square footage can be allowed under the height <br /> requirements. He said that multiple uses in buildings can gain efficiencies that make up for <br /> larger staff needs. He said that if there is a fiscal issue, then it should be set forth as a money <br /> limit, but not a size limit. He noted that there are plenty of shared parking options at other <br /> libraries in the area. He referenced transit access and said that it is important that a spot with <br /> good access is used. He said that the library is more needed in a lower median income area <br /> and said that he would like to see more urban sites considered. He referenced his website, <br /> <br /> Gary Giles referenced the feasibility study mentioned by Patrick McDonough and said <br /> the study proved the site could work. He said he hoped the board would review the report. He <br /> said he appreciates the comments made about the changing nature of libraries and noted that <br /> the digital age is here and is shrinking the need for traditional libraries. He said the he had just <br /> gotten back from the Hunt Library in Raleigh and it is a grand library but has not accounted for <br /> the digital age. He said that the library planning reports do not account for this new digital age. <br /> He said that the urban sites have the advantage of having Carrboro contribute the cost of the <br /> land, because it is a public site. He said there are several sites where no-rezoning will be <br /> required, there is existing infrastructure, and no trees need to be cut down. He said all of <br /> these things save money and the urban concept should be looked at. <br /> Nerys Levy, with the Friends of the Carrboro Library, said she has been working on this <br /> project for 23 years and she commended the work being done to serve the underserved. She <br /> noted the population of 35,000 underserved citizens in southern and southwestern Orange <br /> County. She said there are plenty of librarians and experts to help with the planning to make <br /> this happen. She said the decision needs to be made soon because 15,000 people in Orange <br /> County cannot read or write. She said this is a serious situation and there are 7 generations of <br /> underserved people. She said that the Friends of Carrboro Library has lost 64 members as a <br /> result of this lengthy process. She said that a decision is needed now. <br /> Marilee Teague, resident of Bingham Township, said that a full service library would be <br /> redundant to the Chapel Hill library. She noted that her measurement of the distance from one <br /> of the proposed sites in Carrboro to the Chapel Hill Library is only 3.4 miles. She said that she <br /> feels this idea needs to be reconceived and the $8 million capital expenditure would be better <br /> invested in another way. She said that the expenses of a library of this size could be used for <br /> things such as bringing a dental clinic back to Carrboro and improving schools, rather than <br /> duplicating services. <br /> Chair Jacobs asked Lucinda Munger to explain the Library Strategic plan and timeline. <br /> Lucinda Munger said this will come before the board in May and will provide the Board <br /> of Commissioners a draft for discussion. She said this is the first one ever done and the <br /> purpose of the plan is to seek the input of the residents of Orange County on what they would <br /> like in a 21 st century library. This will help create a better vision of what the residents of Orange <br />