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She said that the recommendation is that the County move forward with four years of <br /> monitoring. <br /> She said that there are seven separate tributaries coming into the lake and everyone is <br /> being graded on this group project. She referenced the question of why the County couldn't <br /> get a delay and said that the EPA would be likely to come in if there were a delay. She said <br /> things are moving in the right direction. <br /> Commissioner McKee asked how long since DWQ stopped monitoring and Pam <br /> Hemminger said about two years. <br /> Commissioner McKee said he feels that Orange County needs to be doing their own <br /> monitoring in order to have scientific data to back up arguments. <br /> Pam Hemminger said DWQ will not accept individual monitoring, only project group <br /> monitoring. <br /> Commissioner McKee said he is almost ready to go the lawsuit route because this <br /> makes no sense. <br /> Pam Hemminger said she agrees that this makes no sense and she feels that this can <br /> be proved with the scientific data being gathered. <br /> Commissioner McKee asked if Falls Lake was designed to raise the water level <br /> significantly. He said he believes the shallow depth and the upper end of the lake is the <br /> reason for the algae blooms. <br /> Pam Hemminger said that is part of the whole re-look at monitoring design. She said <br /> that monitoring further down the lake would give totally different results. <br /> Chair Jacobs said many think Orange County's regulations are too strong and slow <br /> down development, where the board has staked out stronger regulations in an effort to get <br /> credit. He said that the answer to Commissioner Pelissier's petition is to combine and simplify <br /> these two letters and send them to DENR and Mr. Gillespie. <br /> 3. Presentation of Manager's Recommended 2013-2018 Capital Investment Plan (CIP) <br /> Frank Clifton said each year the Manager's office presents a 5 and 10 year CIP plan, <br /> but the primary focus of this discussion is the 2013-14 process. He said there are several <br /> policy comments in the appendices and several different funds will be referred to. <br /> Clarence Grier said this is the start of the budget process for 2013-14 and he <br /> introduced the budget staff. <br /> Paul Laughton said the County changed to a 5 year CIP plan a few years ago and the <br /> years 2006-2010 are included as a history. He read through the following PowerPoint slides: <br /> County Manager's Recommended FY 2013-18 Capital Investment Plan <br /> Presentation <br /> Southern Human Services Center, Chapel Hill <br /> Orange County, NC <br /> March 12, 2013 <br /> Overview <br /> • 5-Year Capital Investment Plan (CIP) with detailed information in Years 1-5, and an <br /> overall picture in Years 6-10 <br /> • The CIP is a budget planning tool that is evaluated annually to include year-to-year <br /> changes in priorities, needs, and available resources. <br /> • Funding decisions are approved only for Year 1 (FY 2013-14). <br />