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that these districts not involved in the greater Chapel Hill District need to somehow be moved <br /> forward. She asked for clarification of the steps and timeline necessary for the creation of the <br /> three fire districts and the negotiation and signing of three new contracts for fire protection. <br /> She questioned if these steps could be finished by a target date of May 21, 2013. <br /> Michael Talbert said the steps necessary, as mentioned above are as follows: 1) <br /> Schedule a public hearing, which takes 6 weeks from the time of a decision; 2) Contracts must <br /> be approved after the public hearing, by North Chatham, Town of Chapel Hill and Carrboro; <br /> and 3) The State Fire Marshal must give final approval. He said that the February 1 St deadline <br /> came from the State Fire Marshal's office as a deadline to have the maps submitted to have a <br /> revised insurance district for those 112 property owners by July 1St. He said there is still time <br /> to get the service districts established and sign new contracts and establish a tax rate for July <br /> 1St. He said the opportunity to have the State give final approval by July 1St has passed. He <br /> said that if the districts can be established, the State may or may not act by September or later <br /> to change the ISO rating. <br /> Commissioner Gordon asked how the contracts will be negotiated with the fire service <br /> providers. <br /> Michael Talbert said the contract with the providers would be effective July 1 St <br /> regardless of the ISO rating. <br /> Commissioner Gordon asked about the service district. <br /> Michael Talbert said the service district will be established prior to June 30th and <br /> contracts will be in place prior to July 1St <br /> Commissioner Gordon asked how far those contracts for North Chatham and South <br /> Orange have gotten. <br /> Michael Talbert said a first draft has been reviewed with the County Attorney. He said <br /> a second draft was reviewed with the Fire Department Chief's Association in January, and a <br /> final draft is expected in early March. <br /> Commissioner Gordon clarified that early March is the goal for North Chatham, the <br /> Town of Carrboro, and South Orange. <br /> Michael Talbert said this is for the whole Chief's Association and the plan is to <br /> eventually change all of the contracts. He said all three departments mentioned have been at <br /> the meetings and have given input on the contract changes. He said there will still be some <br /> negotiations after March but it will be done between March and May. <br /> Commissioner Gordon asked if it would be done by May 21 St and Michael Talbert said <br /> yes. <br /> Chair Jacobs said it seems like a lot of issues have been worked out at staff level and <br /> this is an opportunity for the town to try and achieve another goal separate from fire service. <br /> He said he is not in favor of involuntary annexation, but he is not averse to a discussion about <br /> why annexation is desirable for the residents in question. He said perhaps this discussion <br /> could be put into a framework of two years with a commitment to bring the annexation issue to <br /> a vote within those two years. He suggested a five year contract with a two year opt out, and <br /> a two year commitment for the county to help facilitate a discussion process with the residents <br /> for possible annexation. He said this will make it more of a mutual compromise and may <br /> address some of the issues Chapel Hill has with long term planning interests. <br /> Commissioner McKee said he sat through the Chapel Hill meeting in January and the <br /> discussion went entirely to annexation and not fire service districts. He said it is true that <br /> Chapel Hill responds to all fires in this area through a mutual aid agreement with other entities <br /> just like all the other departments in the county have with adjacent departments. He said this <br /> does not have to be this complicated and the people who are supposed to be helped are being <br /> forgotten and are not being discussed. He said there are 112 homes that through no fault of <br /> their own will incur an increase and are at risk of not being able to acquire insurance at some <br />