Orange County NC Website
embodiment of how the North Carolina Government should be addressing the issues that are <br /> important to Orange County through the legislative process. <br /> A motion was made by Commissioner McKee, seconded by Commissioner Price to <br /> approve Items 2-30; adding biological resources to #13; including corrections on <br /> asterisks; and incorporating the rose sheet, Orange County Board of Commissioners <br /> Resolution on Commercial Dog Breeding Facilities, as #31. <br /> Commissioner Dorosin said this becomes #31, and Commissioner McKee and <br /> Commissioner Price accepted this friendly amendment. <br /> VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br /> A motion was made by Commissioner Pelissier, seconded by Commissioner Rich <br /> to approve the Clean Water Management Trust Fund Resolution. <br /> VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br /> Chair Jacobs asked commissioners to identify 3-5 items for priority discussion with their <br /> delegation and the suggestions were as follows: <br /> - Commissioner Gordon suggested items 2, 29, and 7, and 6 <br /> - Commissioner Rich also suggested item 29 <br /> - Commissioner Price suggested item 10 <br /> - Commissioner McKee suggested item 7 <br /> - Commissioner Dorosin suggested item 12 <br /> - Commissioner Pelissier and Chair Jacobs suggested item 20 <br /> Commissioner Pelissier said if it is known that there is something that NCACC is going <br /> to heavily lobby for then strategically this item should be dropped in favor of something of <br /> greater interest to Orange County. <br /> Chair Jacobs noted that these NCACC goals will be found at the top of page 28 and <br /> include numbers 2 and 12. He said he would argue for the couple of things that might actually <br /> be possible, such as the electronics fee for recycling and the bio solids disposal. <br /> Commissioner Gordon said she would be willing to drop item 6. <br /> Chair Jacobs reviewed the Commissioner's suggestions. <br /> Commissioner McKee suggested that Item 2, County Responsibility for Roads, be <br /> taken off. He said he feels that Item 12, regarding Mental Health, is critical enough to be left <br /> on, even if it is in the top NCACC goals. He said that he sees the issue of Mental Health is <br /> both a local and state issue that plays into many other issues such as mass shootings, <br /> homelessness and poverty and must remain a priority. <br /> Commissioner Gordon suggested that all of the items mentioned should be considered <br /> and 5 voted through. <br /> Chair Jacobs said there are eight items being considered and suggested that someone <br /> make a motion for five, or the vote could be taken one by one. <br /> A motion was made by Commissioner Dorosin, seconded by Commissioner McKee to select <br /> the following items for approval: <br /> • 2 - County Responsibility for Roads <br /> • 7 - Smart Start and More at Four <br /> • 12 - Mental Health <br />