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Chapel Hill — Carrboro City Schools <br />2013 -2014 Budget Message <br />The local budget that has been developed and recommended specifically addresses the needs <br />of our school system and focuses on the priorities identified by the Board for 2013 -14 at our <br />recent Board planning meeting. The local budget requires an increase in the local per pupil <br />expenditure. The majority of this increase is directly attributed to mandated cost increases, <br />anticipated loss of grant funds, and the opening of Northside Elementary School. We are <br />recommending additional funding to lower class sizes at the elementary and high school level. <br />We are also recommending a small increase in expenditures to support professional <br />development and curriculum development to improve instruction and continue our focus on <br />Common Core implementation. Finally, we have included some initial recommendations to <br />address ongoing safety and security needs and a small amount of funding to support general <br />administrative operating needs. All along we have looked for opportunities to restructure or <br />reallocate our existing budgets to minimize our total budget request. <br />Background Information <br />Since the 2009 -10 budget year, school districts across the country have been dealing with the <br />impacts of the Great Recession. Our district is no exception. Over the past several years we <br />have eliminated nearly $8 million dollars in expenditures and absorbed an average of nearly <br />$1 million dollars per year ($4.5 million over 5 years) in mandated cost increases. Each year <br />the district has addressed the discretionary reduction from the state by reducing teacher and <br />teacher assistant positions and we have avoided more significant reductions through the <br />increased use of fund balance as part of a multiple year strategy. This is anticipated to be the <br />final year that the district is able to utilize fund balance at an increased level to fund recurring <br />expenditures. <br />In developing the budget, we were faced with a variety of budget drivers that impacted our <br />work. These budget drivers included continued student enrollment growth, continued <br />mandated cost increases (health insurance and retirement match), the potential loss of federal <br />funds as a result of sequestration and expiring grants, concerns about class sizes, ongoing <br />safety and security needs, unknowns at the state level, and the need to fund the operational <br />expenses associated with the opening of Northside Elementary school. We also received and <br />considered millions of dollars of identified needs from our schools and program leaders. <br />Finally, the budget was developed using the same initial appropriation of fund balance as was <br />used this year. <br />1 -1 <br />