Orange County NC Website
Attachment B 4 <br />April 16, 2013 <br />Mr. Frank Clifton <br />Orange County Manager <br />208 S. Cameron Street <br />Hillsborough, NC 27278 <br />Dear Frank: <br />Enclosed is the 2013 -14 requested budget as approved by the Chapel Hill — Carrboro City Board of <br />Education on April 11, 2013. <br />The Board's requested budget increase from the County is $5,184,835 above the current year's budget. <br />The increase will require a $393 per pupil increase. The district has projected a 1.5% inflationary increase <br />in the special district tax which will generate an additional $286,522 in revenue. Other Local revenue <br />sources within the district's budget have been reduced by $69,634; mainly due to the loss of investment <br />interest earnings. <br />This budget will require the Board to continue to appropriate $3,222,913 of Local fund balance to balance <br />the 2013 -14 budget. This fund balance is available because of the district's efforts in prior fiscal years to <br />save Local funds by using the Federal ARRA and EduJobs funds. Those Federal budgets are now <br />depleted. Over the past years of economic uncertainty, the district has taken measures to identify <br />budget reductions and cost - saving opportunities, and has re- purposed Local funds to cover budget needs. <br />We are now at the point of needing additional revenue to meet the demands of providing a quality <br />education for the students in our district. The opening of Northside Elementary School represents a <br />significant portion of our overall budget request. <br />The district's planned uses for the 2013 -14 funds are detailed in the enclosed budget book. We will <br />provide a discussion of these budget items in our upcoming presentation to the County Commissioners. <br />By State statute the Commissioners cannot raise the district tax by an amount more than what the Board <br />of Education requests. In order not to restrict the Commissioners' options for funding our request, the <br />Board of Education authorizes the County Commissioners to increase the Special District Tax, as needed, <br />to fully fund our request. <br />We look forward to meeting with the Commissioners and discussing our budget request in further detail <br />Sincerely, <br />4� " <br />Thomas A. Forcella <br />Superintendent <br />Enclosure <br />l -.O.ohn Cr,nIei. '750 S Merrkit I iII Road - C,'h pep HiII, NC 27516.2878 - f,.'�tfi9) 91E`i7 8,21 1 - WW .Chca's' I; � <br />