Orange County NC Website
K <br />very difficult for the County to fill gaps in funding where the State reduces its financial <br />commitment to education. <br />Orange County Schools is requesting an increase in the funding to cover expected growth in <br />enrollment. Expected enrollment for Orange County Schools is expected to increase 81 <br />students, which would increase the funding from the County by $256,527. This funding request <br />would represent 0.16 cents on the current property tax rate. <br />Chapel Hill — Carrboro City Schools is requesting an increase in the local per pupil allocation of <br />$393. This requested increase in the local per pupil allocation for current expenses would <br />increase the per pupil allocation to $3,560. This funding level would represent an approximate <br />increase in the current expense for both school districts of $8.48 million, which would represent <br />5.39 cents of the current property tax rate based on the projected Average Daily Membership <br />provided by North Carolina Department of Public Instruction. <br />During tonight's presentation, each system will share their FY2013 -14 operating and capital <br />budgets with the Board of County Commissioners. <br />FINANCIAL IMPACT: Preliminary FY2013 -14 revenue projections anticipate the County's <br />General Fund revenues will be approximately $182 million. Staff has assumed no receipt of <br />Public School Building Fund monies in this projection for the County's General Fund. (Note: NC <br />Education Lottery proceeds are revenues budgeted in individual capital projects and not <br />considered General Fund Revenue.) <br />Based upon the County Commissioner's funding target of 48.1%, the funding to the two school <br />systems would be approximately $87.5 million, based on the preliminary FY2013 -14 revenue <br />projections. <br />RECOMMENDATION(S): The Manager recommends that the Board discuss the issues noted <br />and provide direction to staff, as appropriate. <br />