Agenda - 04-16-2013 - 4
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 04-16-2013 - Work Session
Agenda - 04-16-2013 - 4
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Last modified
6/9/2015 11:39:06 AM
Creation date
4/12/2013 10:31:41 AM
Meeting Type
Work Session
Document Type
Agenda Item
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Minutes 04-16-2013
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\Board of County Commissioners\Minutes - Approved\2010's\2013
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➢ The goal of the Safety Wardens is to assist in the orderly evacuation of <br />employees and consumers from a building or area during an emergency or <br />assist with shelter in place procedures if warranted. The duties of the Safety <br />Wardens are as follows: <br />i. Be familiar with the content of this EAP. <br />ii. Alert staff of emergency situations. <br />iii. Ensure that staff and consumers are appropriately evacuating the <br />facility or area based on the escape route assignments (see diagram in <br />Appendix B). <br />iv. Assist in the evacuation of visitors and staff with functional needs that <br />preclude them from using elevators during emergency situations, or <br />altering security, fire, and law enforcement personnel of the last <br />known location of the individuals. <br />v. Extinguish small fires with the use of a fire extinguisher. <br />vi. If instructed, account for all employees and consumers at the <br />designated meeting location(s). <br />vii. All Safety Wardens must have First Aid /CPR /AED and Blood -borne <br />Pathogens Training. <br />viii. The list of Safety Wardens is located in Appendix D. <br />Note: The number of designated responders depends upon the size of the facility and the number <br />of employees that work at that location. <br />During an Emergency <br />➢ In the event of the fire alarm sounding, Safety Wardens will ensure the <br />following takes places in their Zone /Floor: <br />➢ Ensure that all employees and visitors have evacuated their assigned areas. <br />➢ Assist and maintain order as employees and patrons are leaving the building. <br />➢ Assist disabled individuals evacuating the building. <br />➢ Ensure that all people within the department are accounted for. <br />➢ Inform the Department Director the results of the floor accounting. <br />➢ Relay information from the Department Director to the employees at their <br />assembly areas. <br />E. Training <br />➢ Safety Wardens will be trained and made aware of their duties so that they <br />can assist in the safe and orderly emergency evacuation of employees and <br />visitors. They shall be made aware of their responsibilities under this EAP: <br />• Initially when the EAP is developed; <br />• Whenever the employee's responsibility under the EAP changes, and <br />whenever the EAP is changed <br />5 <br />9 <br />
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