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F. Responsibilities of the Employees <br />➢ The success of this EAP in times of emergencies hinges on employees <br />knowing the procedures outlined in this EAP and acting upon them in an <br />appropriate manner. <br />Before an emergency, employees shall: <br />➢ Become familiar with the contents of this EAP to include who to report <br />emergencies to, the assigned evacuation routes for the facility, and the <br />designated meeting locations. <br />➢ Actively participate in emergency drills and treat them as if they are real. <br />During an emergency: <br />10 <br />➢ Assist Safety Wardens if asked. <br />➢ Listen and wait for directions on how and when to evacuate the facility from <br />emergency response team members, security, law enforcement, or fire <br />personnel. <br />➢ Report any emergencies such as a bomb threat or threats of violence to your <br />supervisor first and immediately. <br />➢ Follow the assigned escape route procedures to avoid crowding at the exits. <br />➢ Report immediately to your designated meeting location upon evacuating <br />the facility. Do not take any side trips. <br />➢ Never go back into the facility to retrieve personal belongings. <br />G. Drills <br />➢ Drills of this EAP shall be conducted annually, at a minimum, and whenever <br />it is deemed necessary by department heads or Risk Management. <br />➢ All drills are facilitated by Emergency Services and Asset Management. <br />➢ Drills will be initiated by Asset Management Services. <br />➢ Prior to each drill, Department Heads (or their designees) will identify <br />personnel who will assume command of the drill and post -drill activities <br />once the drill has been initiated. <br />➢ See Appendix E for the Drill Reporting Form <br />