Orange County NC Website
6. Interlocal Agreement to Protect Archaeological Resources on Town and County <br /> Properties <br /> Rich Shaw, Land Conservation Manager, said about a year ago there was a mutually <br /> agreed location for a wayfaring sign. He said it was discovered that this was a place where they <br /> had found archeological items. In response, the town and Orange County decided to work <br /> jointly to try and prepare a map of known archeological sites. He said they will have a map and <br /> interlocal agreement to share in about 6 months. <br /> Town Commissioner Hallman questioned how this knowledge would be used on <br /> privately owned properties. <br /> Rich Shaw this is only for publicly owned properties and more information will be added <br /> to the database as it is discovered. <br /> Margaret Hauth said that these maps are not published due to fear that the sites would <br /> be plundered, however in-house maps are important so that water/sewer and public works folks <br /> are aware when improvements are being made. <br /> Rich Shaw said that one of the cultural resource specialists found out that the state had <br /> been keeping hand maps and now are using GIS and this will now be incorporated into the town <br /> and county database. <br /> Chair Jacobs asked if there would be outreach to DOT to let them know where these <br /> resources are. <br /> Margaret Hauth said that inquiry can be made. <br /> 7. Future Use of Whitted Human Services Center <br /> Frank Clifton said Orange County raised the possible use of this center about a year ago <br /> and the county has done some preliminary visions of the center. He said one use is just for <br /> governmental usage and the other is to share with county and arts community. He said that the <br /> Board of County Commissioners has not made any specific direction but has been working <br /> closely with town staff on parking, noise impacts, etc. <br /> AMS Director, Jeff Thompson provided a review of the proposed following floor plans: <br /> Plan 1 — Board of County Commissioners' Meeting Space with Government Office Space, Plan <br /> 2- Board and Arts Council Co-tenancy, and Plan 3 Board of County Commissioners' Meeting <br /> Space Only. These plans are found on pages 17, 18, 19 of the meeting abstract. <br /> Jeff Thompson said that, with regard to the combined use with the cultural center, he <br /> and Margaret Hauth have worked closely on this, especially with regard to parking. He said that <br /> if the board is interested in pursuing this, there would need to be an operational agreement with <br /> the cultural center to drive the zoning and permitting process. He said the pieces of this will <br /> include the activity type, intensity and frequency. He said that with a 300 seat arrangement, 192 <br /> parking spaces will be needed and that there are 219 on-site, including on street parking. He <br /> noted that if on street parking were removed, some spaces would have to be created. He <br /> presented a map of the parking site plan, which shows, paving in area 6 and area 1, as well as <br /> the addition of 25 spaces in the grassy area southeast of the main entrance. <br /> Frank Clifton clarified that addition spaces would be in the area where mobile units had <br /> been previously and there would be landscaping and paving done in each of the areas. He said <br /> the ramps on the back of the building would be one of the more expensive parts of the process. <br /> Frank Clifton said there is no plan to use area 5. <br /> Margaret Hauth said that the actual use agreement will dictate whether this is a staff <br /> level approval or gets in front of a board. She said that right now, all of the plans meet the <br /> ordinance requiring all parking to be off street. She said she feels this will likely move forward <br /> with staff level approval but she said it would be worthwhile to have all parties involved, <br />