Minutes 02-21-2013
Board of County Commissioners
Minutes - Approved
Minutes 02-21-2013
Entry Properties
Last modified
4/10/2013 9:28:52 AM
Creation date
4/10/2013 9:16:47 AM
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Agenda - 02-21-2013 - Agenda
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\Board of County Commissioners\BOCC Agendas\2010's\2013\Agenda - 02-21-2013 - Joint Mtg. - Hills. Bd. of Commissioners
Agenda - 02-21-2013 - 1
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\Board of County Commissioners\BOCC Agendas\2010's\2013\Agenda - 02-21-2013 - Joint Mtg. - Hills. Bd. of Commissioners
Agenda - 02-21-2013 - Attachment 1B
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\Board of County Commissioners\BOCC Agendas\2010's\2013\Agenda - 02-21-2013 - Joint Mtg. - Hills. Bd. of Commissioners
Agenda - 02-21-2013 - Attachment 3
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Agenda - 02-21-2013 - Attachment 7A
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\Board of County Commissioners\BOCC Agendas\2010's\2013\Agenda - 02-21-2013 - Joint Mtg. - Hills. Bd. of Commissioners
Agenda - 02-21-2013 - Attachment 7B
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\Board of County Commissioners\BOCC Agendas\2010's\2013\Agenda - 02-21-2013 - Joint Mtg. - Hills. Bd. of Commissioners
Agenda - 02-21-2013 - Attachment 8A
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\Board of County Commissioners\BOCC Agendas\2010's\2013\Agenda - 02-21-2013 - Joint Mtg. - Hills. Bd. of Commissioners
Agenda - 02-21-2013 - Attachment 8B
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Margaret Hauth said they have taken the plan to the next step to fund the design work <br /> and move toward engineer's estimates. She said they have had great support from Orange <br /> County and DOT and the hope is that a lot of the improvements will take place this year. She <br /> said that DOT has advised that Churton is approved to be re-paved, so the sidewalk needs to <br /> be done first. She said the details are included in the Agenda Item (page 5) and the map <br /> (pages 10, 11 and 12). She said that the proposed closing of a lane on East Margaret Lane is <br /> no longer being pursued. <br /> Commissioner Gordon asked for clarification about the section on map page 11, <br /> regarding addition of an access to River Park. <br /> Margaret Hauth said the plan being considered would extend the sidewalk beside the <br /> courthouse down to River Park so that a crosswalk could be put in at Nash and Kolack to <br /> facilitate access. <br /> Commissioner Gordon clarified where the sidewalk would extend and where the <br /> crosswalk would be. <br /> Margaret Hauth said there is a gravel walkway coming out the back of the courthouse <br /> that comes up to Churton Street. <br /> Frank Clifton said this is on the plans with DOT for a crossing at the light in front of <br /> Weaver Street, but there is a grade issue there that will have to be accounted for. He said <br /> some trees may have to be removed to give enough space and allow handicap access. <br /> Commissioner Gordon verified that this is just to cross the street and access the <br /> sidewalk, and she asked about what might be done to access River Park. <br /> Frank Clifton said this will be decided after a design on the crosswalk has been decided. <br /> He said it might just be a pathway. <br /> 4. Update on Waterstone <br /> Eric Peterson said they do not have any new updates from UNC Hospital about opening <br /> dates. He said the administration should open sometime in 2013 and the hospital has an <br /> estimated opening in 2015. He said there was to be a closing schedule to sell all of the housing <br /> pods in 2012 but it did not go through due to problems with the escrow agreement. The Town <br /> Board chose not to proceed with the special assessment district. Stratford Development came <br /> back to the town board in January to address concerns and reduced the amount of proposed <br /> bonds financed in the special assessment district. He said the town board has requested <br /> reduction on the payback from 20 years to 10 years to save 2 million dollars in interest <br /> payments. He said the town board will meet on Monday and set a public hearing date regarding <br /> next steps and proposed assessment roles. After this, the Town Board will approve an <br /> application to the local government commission. If things go according to schedule, bonds will <br /> be sold in June and the proceeds used to construct the parkway to manage traffic along 86 and <br /> within the development. <br /> Chair Jacobs requested that the Board be sent a copy of the plan and what is happening <br /> at the UNC site. <br /> Margaret Hauth said it is on their website and she can send them the direct link. <br /> 5. Update on Hillsborough Vision 2030 <br /> Margaret Hauth said they kicked off the Town's Vision 2030 process. She said this was <br /> done to get fresh input, which is being used to create a draft plan. She said this draft will be <br /> released in March to get public input throughout the summer and have a document ready for <br /> formal adoption in early fall. <br />
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