Orange County NC Website
<1CCEL/��.,, <br /> �OILD/N6 SPEED <br /> 13. Well Permit—12 hours <br /> 14. Erosion Control—12 hours <br /> -****More complex documents will require additional assistance hours. Our cost estimate for document creation is based on one document per <br /> each activity/case type,six hours per document. <br /> - ***** has estimated assistance hours based on the County converting the assessor information. shall <br /> supply all formatting information. Please note that if the County incorrectly alters the data, the County will be responsible for time and <br /> materials for to correct the data. Please keep in mind that this approach is not recommended. If the database structure <br /> changes within 'PERMITS' Plus*, the County will be responsible for preparing a new assessors conversion or contract with <br /> to provide one. The current cost for to provide an assessor parcel conversion is$4,500.00. <br /> -******This is based on the history conversion information that the County supplied to <br /> -*******This requires an additional on-site visit. Our cost estimate includes additional travel time and expenses for this visit. <br /> -******** has estimated a standard 50 hours of assistance. However,actual amount of GIS connectivity assistance is unknown <br /> until defined by the User. would need to review the County's detailed specifications. <br /> -*********In an effort to assure a successful implementation,we have added an additional trip to each install.This trip would be approximately 3 <br /> days in duration to go over the implementation guide and review any concerns the agency may have. We feel this will make everyone feel more <br /> comfortable and knowledgeable with the install. Please note that the travel time and expenses have been calculated into the above estimate. <br /> - **********The County has the option between creating a batch file transfer to post fee information into the County's <br /> financial system, or purchase an interface such as 'PERMITS' POS"'i If the County decides to purchase 'PERMITS' POS 73" <br /> would need to review the County's detailed specifications in order to determine compatibility and estimate of assistance. <br /> Please note that has estimated a standard 15 hours of assistance, however, actual amount of connectivity assistance is <br /> unknown until defined by the User. For more information on'PERMITS' POS"'!please refer to the Peripheral Technologies Information <br /> sheet located in the Supporting Information Section of the proposal. <br /> - Databases other than Access may require Windows NT. <br /> -This quote supersedes any previous written or verbal estimates for product and installation services. <br /> 0rangeCo-NCdic4.doc 9 USER ACCELA,INC <br />