Agenda - 04-11-2013 - 3
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 04-11-2013 - Budget Work Session
Agenda - 04-11-2013 - 3
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Last modified
6/9/2015 11:36:28 AM
Creation date
4/5/2013 3:02:05 PM
Meeting Type
Work Session
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Agenda Item
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Minutes 04-11-2013
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M <br />Future EMS Stations — Funds of $875,000 each in Years 1, 3, and 5 of the CIP are included for <br />the construction of three (3) stand -alone new substations for Emergency Services, with a fourth <br />substation planned in Year 7. The cost is for the facility and infrastructure, and assumes <br />construction on County -owned property. Locations will be identified as part of the process for <br />facility siting, and may include co- locating with cell towers or with other County operations, <br />which could possibly reduce the costs. Funding amounts could change on a site -by -site basis. <br />Communication System Improvements — includes continued phasing in of Emergency Services <br />800 Mhz radios in Years 1 -4 of the CIP, with replacement of Sheriff radios of $920,000 in Year <br />5 (FY 2017 -18). Year 1 (FY 2013 -14) also includes financing of P25 Compliant Radio System <br />Consoles totaling $832,268 and replacement of the main 9 -1 -1 switch - NextGen Phone System <br />of $402,000 (debt service to be paid with E -9 -1 -1 funds on both of these), and the financing of <br />P25 compliant portable radios for the rural fire districts (debt service to be paid by the General <br />Fund). The purchase of the P25 compliant consoles and radios ensures integration to the new <br />platform that the North Carolina State Highway Patrol /VIPER is scheduled to place in service <br />during the second half of 2013. (NOTE: At the March 19, 2013 BOCC meeting, the BOCC <br />approved Budget Amendment #8 -A for the purchase of twenty -seven portable radios at a <br />discounted price of $89,077. With this purchase, the $143,000 currently in FY 2013 -14 for <br />800 Mhz Radios can be removed from this project. Also, at the same meeting, the BOCC <br />approved Budget Amendment #8 -B to purchase eleven P25 Compliant radio consoles in <br />the 9 -1 -1 Center with a 30% down payment in the current fiscal year towards this <br />purchase. With this down payment, $231,026 can be removed from this project in FY <br />2013 -14). <br />Special Revenue Projects (Article 46 Sales Tax Proceeds) — Highlights <br />The Special Revenue section includes anticipated revenue from the Article 46 (1/4 cent) Sales <br />Tax, with 50% of the proceeds for Economic Development initiatives and 50% for Education <br />(allocated by the ADM count of the two school districts). In FY 2012 -13, proceeds are <br />estimated at $2,600,000, with 1.5% growth assumed in subsequent years. A summary is <br />provided within the Special Revenue Projects section of the document listing the recommended <br />uses of these proceeds. <br />Proprietary Projects — Highlights <br />Water & Sewer Utilities — Year 1 (FY 2013 -14) reflects continuation (work began in FY 2012 -13) <br />of the McGowan Creek Pump Station rehabilitation project costs ($621,250) in the Central <br />Efland /North Buckhorn Sewer Expansion project, in order to take advantage of remaining State <br />Revolving Loan funds. Year 2 (FY 2014 -15) reflects funds of $3,426,000 of the Buckhorn EDD <br />— Phase 2 Extension ( Efland Sewer Flow to Mebane) for construction of this project. This <br />project has been moved up one year from the previously approved CIP. Funds of $1,750,000 <br />are recommended in Year 2 (FY 2014 -15) for the construction work on the Eno EDD project, <br />and funds of $2,500,000 are recommended in Year 3 (FY 2015 -16) for the Buckhorn- Mebane <br />Phase 3 and 4 construction projects. Both of these projects have been moved back one year <br />from the previously approved CIP. <br />
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