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8 <br /> 1 currently under construction and the demand for homes by qualified families has consistently <br /> 2 exceeded demand. She noted that there are only seven lots left in Phoenix Place and Habitat <br /> 3 will soon be moving on to a 28 home subdivision in Efland Cheeks Township. She recognized <br /> 4 several home owners present who will be moving into Habitat Homes in the near future. She <br /> 5 concluded by saying that Habitat will be requesting 2013 home funds for second mortgages for <br /> 6 15 new homes. <br /> 7 Deborah Burton said she is building her home here in Hillsborough in partnership with <br /> 8 Habitat for Humanity and Orange County Schools. She thanked the Board for making this <br /> 9 possible and asked them to continue funding this year to make this possible for other families. <br /> 10 Robert Dowling, Executive Director of Community Home Trust (CHT), said CHT <br /> 11 implements inclusionary housing in Orange County and currently has 200 homes in its <br /> 12 inventory. He said the expectation is to sell an additional 25 homes in the next 6 months; many <br /> 13 of these homes will require public subsidies totaling more than $300,000, which is available <br /> 14 from HOME funds and other sources. He said there is a lot of turnover with townhomes and <br /> 15 condominiums, not single family homes. When these properties turn over, subsidies are lost. <br /> 16 He noted that median income has become flat but the costs of the homes increase, which <br /> 17 increases the need for subsidies. He said they will be coming to the Board of County <br /> 18 Commissioners to ask for HOME funds in the amount of$60,000. He noted that $40,000 will <br /> 19 be used to keep homes affordable and $20,000 will be for operating support. He said they could <br /> 20 never have done this with the support of local governments. He said that this is the most <br /> 21 difficult housing market he has seen. <br /> 22 Commissioner Dorosin said he is appreciative of all the work that has been done and he <br /> 23 echoed the comments from the retreat. He said this plan should likely be re-visited sooner than <br /> 24 2015 in light of changes mentioned. He said this is an opportune time to be thinking more <br /> 25 creatively. He said he has been haunted by the recent purchase of Abbey Court, which has 252 <br /> 26 units and sold for $7 million. He said these were the most affordable units in Orange County <br /> 27 and now it looks as if the rent is going to be raised along with assessments. He said there is a <br /> 28 need to talk about different ways of doing things, including manufactured housing and he would <br /> 29 value advice from the professionals and the Affordable Housing Advisory Board. <br /> 30 Chair Jacobs noted that 1.3, page 32 talks about people not having indoor plumbing. <br /> 31 He questioned how much this count has been reduced and Tara Fikes said she would get him <br /> 32 that information. <br /> 33 Chair Jacobs said the Board heard on Friday that the Community Home Trust was <br /> 34 recruiting people from Durham County to move into unoccupied Orange County housing. <br /> 35 Robert Dowling said he is not aware of this. He said he wrote a memo to the Board of <br /> 36 County Commissioners asking for relief from some of the requirements if a home has not sold <br /> 37 after a certain number of days. He said there are so many properties on the market and it is <br /> 38 difficult to sell them, which puts a burden on CHT and makes the homeowners unhappy and <br /> 39 frustrated. He said the memo requests relief from hurdles to allow interested buyers, who don't <br /> 40 live or work here, to purchase the homes. <br /> 41 Chair Jacobs clarified that theoretically people outside of the county will be purchasing <br /> 42 the homes if the Board waives those hurdles and Robert Dowling said yes, after 90 days. <br /> 43 Commissioner McKee asked if there was any thought to transfer these homes to rental <br /> 44 properties, considering the number of homes on the market <br /> 45 Robert Dowling said there are several hurdles and CHT needs to stay focused on home <br /> 46 ownership not rentals. He said another issue is that special use permits that are approved by <br /> 47 local governments refer to home ownership, not rentals. He said if HOME funds are involved <br /> 48 then Orange County does have a say in some of the hurdles. <br /> 49 Commissioner McKee said they may have to start thinking out of the box. <br />