Agenda - 04-09-2013 - 5a
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 04-09-2013 - Regular Mtg.
Agenda - 04-09-2013 - 5a
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Last modified
6/9/2015 11:27:05 AM
Creation date
4/5/2013 1:48:54 PM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
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Agenda Item
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Minutes 04-09-2013
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5 <br /> 1 Michael Hughes said there has not been any contact with the neighbors and he said <br /> 2 OWASA's position is that they will work with county staff on whatever is proposed and whatever <br /> 3 the Board proposes. <br /> 4 Chair Jacobs said there is a technical group with TJCOG to look the Jordan Lake rules <br /> 5 and he said there is no representative that represents the rural area. He said the Board of <br /> 6 County Commissioners wrote a letter several years ago expressing concern that, starting at <br /> 7 current levels, reducing nitrogen loading on farms in the rural buffer, it would be impossible to <br /> 8 have agriculture in that area. He wondered if OWASA was plugged into that study or aware of <br /> 9 the letter. <br /> 10 Ed Kerwin said they do not know. <br /> 11 Alan Rimer said this topic has been around for a long time and Orange County does a <br /> 12 great job with management of over-fertilization. He said the Soil Conservation Service works <br /> 13 closely with the farmers and there are more conservation easements along strings of water <br /> 14 bodies in Orange County than any other county in the state. He said this speaks to why the <br /> 15 rural voice of Orange County needs to be heard. <br /> 16 Chair Jacobs referred to page 3 of their agenda item, the forestry management issue <br /> 17 that caused interest previously. He urged OWASA to get as much constructive public <br /> 18 participation as they can when this comes back. <br /> 19 Alan Rimer said this issue has been shelved with no sense of urgency at this point but <br /> 20 they did learn some lessons. <br /> 21 Commissioner Pelissier questioned whether the DROP has to be revised with population <br /> 22 growth. <br /> 23 Alan Rimer said this document was modified up to the point it was adopted by their <br /> 24 board and it gets refined on a regular basis. <br /> 25 Commissioner Dorosin asked about the Rogers Road issue. He said his concern is that <br /> 26 the longer they delay in providing water and sewer there, the higher the costs will be and he <br /> 27 noted that the cost estimate has risen from 4 million to 5.8 million in the last few years. He <br /> 28 said, costs can be prohibitive, by other options. He asked if OWASA is against alternatives like <br /> 29 gravity sewer and if that is their policy, he wondered how that might be changed. <br /> 30 Alan Rimer said these are not policy matters, but are matters related to system <br /> 31 operation. He said OWASA does have sewer pumping stations and they are not opposed to <br /> 32 them, however it is problematic to put a pump in a house. He said it requires maintenance and <br /> 33 most people, just like with septic systems, do not maintain them. Part of this maintenance is <br /> 34 the need for a duplex system in the event of a failure. He said an alternative solution would be <br /> 35 a vacuum sewer, but this is not the answer in an area like Rogers Road. He said that doesn't <br /> 36 mean that alternatives can't be looked at; however the number of lots and the location need to <br /> 37 be considered. He said several of the lots are problematic and analysis has shown that the <br /> 38 cost will be about $180,000 per lot. He said that once the final configuration is agreed to and <br /> 39 there is an understanding of the area to be served, OWASA will then go back and look at it to <br /> 40 bring forward the costs for different systems. He said the decision then lies with the Board of <br /> 41 County Commissioners and what they are willing to pay. He said that OWASA's job is to <br /> 42 present the options and the County will need to make a decision that best serves the people <br /> 43 and makes economic sense for the taxpayers. <br /> 44 <br /> 45 5. Consent Agenda <br /> 46 A motion was made by Commissioner McKee seconded by Commissioner Pelissier to <br /> 47 approve the consent agenda as stated below: <br /> 48 <br /> 49 VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br /> 50 <br />
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