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10 <br /> 1 the total cost is $43.09 per hour. He said the trips/passengers per hour is 6.5 and it started out <br /> 2 as 3.8/hour. He noted that this is a very high number for a public route. The high volume pick <br /> 3 up areas are: 2 - the police station annex, 3 - Hester Whitted, 4 -Whitted Forest off highway 70, <br /> 4 10 - Coachwood, and 11- Gateway. He said the high volume drop-off areas are: The Library, <br /> 5 because of its central location; Department of Social Services; Durham Tech, because of its <br /> 6 connection to the 420; Food Lion; the courthouse; and Walmart. <br /> 7 Al Terry said it takes about 2250 hours to run this route. He noted that once June 30, <br /> 8 2014 comes and the current funds disappear and the agreement with the Town of Hillsborough <br /> 9 has disappeared, the funding has to come from somewhere. He said there will be a $96,000 <br /> 10 per year operational cost. He said the remainder of this year and all of the 2014 fiscal year, the <br /> 11 funding will remain 80% CMAQ funds and 20% Town of Hillsborough. He said this is a highly <br /> 12 successful route with about 15,000 riders per year, which hopefully takes a lot of vehicles off the <br /> 13 road. It takes about an hour to make the entire route and there are some proposed changes <br /> 14 under consideration, however, the plan at this point is to maintain the current schedule. He said <br /> 15 the circulator route it is the most successful route that OPT operates. <br /> 16 Craig Benedict said there is partial funding in the Orange County Bus and Rail <br /> 17 Development plan after the CMAQ funds run out. He said, this includes the 2,250 hour and <br /> 18 local matching funds would be necessary at about 25%. He said they are still researching with <br /> 19 Triangle Transit, what the assumption was for local funding and for federal and state funding. <br /> 20 He said that if federal and state funding does not come forth for the additional 75% then local <br /> 21 match will go up. There is a funding source to take this into the future with the half cent sales <br /> 22 tax and the question is when it comes online, and what local match is being followed. <br /> 23 Al Terry said that the half cent sales tax could support the route in some fashion, but the <br /> 24 service hours, would use half cent sales dollars and would reduce other services that Orange <br /> 25 Public Transportation could provide, because there are a limited number of service hours within <br /> 26 the plan. <br /> 27 Al Terry also referred back to the discussion of the east/west corridor route and said that <br /> 28 there will be test runs being done to see how cost effective the route could be run and that <br /> 29 Orange Public transport could start that route if Triangle Transit chooses to give those service <br /> 30 hours. <br /> 31 Commissioner Gordon questioned how it came about that Triangle Transit decided to <br /> 32 run the route from Hillsborough to Durham instead of Mebane to Durham. <br /> 33 Craig Benedict said the master plan states Mebane to Durham, but there was some <br /> 34 consideration of starting a partial route and expanding over time because of the way the money <br /> 35 has come. He said there is a need to look at models of how best to allocate funds as they <br /> 36 come in. <br /> 37 Al Terry said that when it is a commuter service, consideration has to be taken of who <br /> 38 provides emergency transportation back to the vehicle and this is the reason for two mid-day <br /> 39 runs. <br /> 40 Commissioner Gordon said it is important to follow up on these issues because it is a <br /> 41 deviation from the plan. She said there should be a request for ridership numbers from Mebane <br /> 42 to Durham and from Hillsborough to Durham to see if the numbers work out. She noted that <br /> 43 Triangle Transit reevaluates routes every spring to see if they need to be redone. <br /> 44 Al Terry said even though they have a semi-hub now in North Hillsborough it needs to be <br /> 45 a temporary hub, not a permanent HUB, because it is not ADA compliant. He said they have <br /> 46 looked at several other areas and need to continue to look for other options that would <br /> 47 accommodate a park and ride. <br /> 48 <br /> 49 3. Implementation of Downtown Hillsborough Access Study Improvements <br /> 50 (Crosswalks, Parking, Sidewalk Work) <br /> 51 <br />