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9 <br /> 1 there is a significant change in proposed routes or services. He said there are thresholds set for <br /> 2 these types of changes that would require it to come back to the elected officials. <br /> 3 Town Manager Eric Peterson said, with regard to the matching funds for the rail station, <br /> 4 he would like to know the restriction on how the money is used. <br /> 5 Craig Benedict said that the money is earmarked for whatever package is determined. <br /> 6 Eric Peterson said there is always a need for a plan B and it may be 5 years down the <br /> 7 line and there still may not be any movement on the rail station. He said they want to continue <br /> 8 to do their planning and doing a public/private partnership is one possibility for a plan B. He <br /> 9 said that using the 20 acres of land and the match funds and putting out a request for proposals, <br /> 10 may bring in private money to help build the station and put retail in there to bring in tax money. <br /> 11 He said he just wants to make sure that money allocated isn't just for federal match in case <br /> 12 federal match does not happen. <br /> 13 Commissioner Gordon said Triangle Transit has to follow the plan. She said that the <br /> 14 implementation agreement includes a review of the plan every four years. After eight years, they <br /> 15 will specifically look at how the grants are coming from the federal and state government. She <br /> 16 said that if private money were to come in, she is not sure that the money in the plan could be <br /> 17 released before the four year review or even the eight year review. <br /> 18 Frank Clifton said that agreement between all three parties involved is required to modify <br /> 19 the plan, so if proposals are put forth, there will be a discussion and approval process that has <br /> 20 to happen. <br /> 21 <br /> 22 Update Information on Circulator Route: Cost per Hour, Trips per Hour, CMAQ <br /> 23 Funding and Beyond <br /> 24 <br /> 25 Al Terry, Orange County Transportation Administrator. presented some background <br /> 26 information on the Circulator Route. <br /> 27 The in-town Hillsborough Circulator route began June 6, 2011 with a three year <br /> 28 grant from the North Carolina Department of Transportation's Congestion Mitigation and Air <br /> 29 Quality (CMAQ) Program. For the first year, NCDOT waived the local match requirement of 20 <br /> 30 percent. The Town of Hillsborough is providing the local match of about $22,000 for the <br /> 31 remaining years, while the County will operate the service at no additional cost to the Town. The <br /> 32 CMAQ grant will continue until June 30, 2014. Funding from July 1, 2014 forward will need to <br /> 33 be identified. <br /> 34 The route serves various residential areas around Hillsborough as well as the <br /> 35 Library; Orange County Courthouse; Social Services Center at Hillsborough <br /> 36 Commons Shopping Center; the Shops at Daniel Boone; UNC Family Practice; <br /> 37 Durham Technical Community College satellite campus; Hampton Pointe and <br /> 38 Meadowlands Business Park. High volume pick-up points include: the Fairview <br /> 39 Community, Coachwood Apartments, and Gateway Apartments. Favorite stops <br /> 40 along the route include: the Library, Social Services, Durham Tech Campus and <br /> 41 Walmart. <br /> 42 The Hillsborough Circulator route was redesigned in October 2011 based on input <br /> 43 from users. An additional stop was added at South Nash and Calvin Streets. <br /> 44 Staff will provide a route map and operational statistics, along with any other information at the <br /> 45 meeting, and the Boards can discuss issues related to this item. <br /> 46 Al Terry said he will now review the highlights of the route and the operational statistics, <br /> 47 and current and future funding of the circulator route. <br /> 48 He said that from July 1st to December 31st of 2012, the total number of trips was 7,368; <br /> 49 this number indicates the number of passengers. He said the cost per trip is $5.39 and this is <br /> 50 lower than the total cost per boarding for Orange Public Transportation. He said the cost per <br /> 51 hour for operation is $35.28 and does not include indirect costs; if indirect costs were included, <br />