Orange County NC Website
8 <br /> 1 Craig Benedict said that is the current thought. He said they have thought about the <br /> 2 Tanger Parking lot as a park and ride, as well as the Mebane Walmart if that does not work out. <br /> 3 He said the route along 70 to Efland will likely use the North Hillsborough shopping center along <br /> 4 70, and Triangle Transit thinks the route should go down 85 into Durham. He said there is <br /> 5 debate that staying on 70 would be just as fast, and this will be tested. <br /> 6 Town Commissioner Lowen said he would love to see improvements along Hwy 70 and <br /> 7 he said that, thinking about folks north of town coming to Hillsborough, a park and ride would <br /> 8 alleviate a lot of traffic from coming through town. He said that the area being used for parking <br /> 9 now is not an ideal location and the proposed new park and ride brings opportunities for growth <br /> 10 and development along that corridor. <br /> 11 Craig Benedict said that is an important hub. <br /> 12 Commissioner Gordon underscored that it is going to be very important for the <br /> 13 representatives from the various Orange County jurisdictions to work together because there is <br /> 14 a competition for the funds outside of the rail funds. She said that 70-75% of the funding is <br /> 15 designated for light rail, which leaves the remaining balances to cover all of the bus service. <br /> 16 She said this makes it very important that the 25% is put toward bus service and that something <br /> 17 doesn't get delayed. She said that Triangle Transit has a ten member board and Chapel Hill <br /> 18 and Orange County comprise only two of that number. She said the representation from <br /> 19 Orange County on the MPO is four out of nine members. She said that this makes it very <br /> 20 important that a common message from Orange County representatives be presented to both of <br /> 21 those boards rather than competing messages and efforts. <br /> 22 Town Commissioner Hallman asked if there was any discussion about Mebane and <br /> 23 Alamance providing some funds. <br /> 24 Craig Benedict said there are two agencies in Mebane and Alamance County, Piedmont <br /> 25 Area Rapid Transit (PART) has a route dropping off people in Graham and going down 54. He <br /> 26 said there are conversations ongoing with PART about providing funding as that route will likely <br /> 27 not be needed if an east/west route is established. He also mentioned Alamance County <br /> 28 Transit Authority (ACTA) and Mebane provide funding to them, so it is possible to gain some <br /> 29 funding from Mebane. <br /> 30 Chair Jacobs said he has the same concerns that other Commissioners have about <br /> 31 getting regular updates from Triangle Transit and it seems that the board's concerns and input <br /> 32 are not being received. He said that the county and the towns have gone out on a limb to make <br /> 33 this possible and the sooner that staff can give the elected officials a heads up about items that <br /> 34 may not be part of what they voted on from Triangle Transit, the better for everyone. He gave <br /> 35 the example of the push for the route to follow 85, thus increasing traffic coming through town to <br /> 36 access the bus. He asked the staff to keep the elected officials apprised and to notify them if <br /> 37 there is need to write a joint letter. <br /> 38 Commissioner Pelissier said she is the Orange County representative on the Triangle <br /> 39 Transit Authority and Triangle Transit has met with auditors to work up a report on how much <br /> 40 money has come in and how much has been distributed. She said there are efforts to keep the <br /> 41 funding separate between Orange County and Durham County and that shared route costs are <br /> 42 shared 50/50. She said she has asked that the draft reports are provided to Orange County so <br /> 43 that they can make comments. She said the train plan cannot be taken off the whole plan <br /> 44 unless all three entities sign off on it. She said that if federal and state funding does not come <br /> 45 through, the funding for that project will remain until matching funds are acquired. She said she <br /> 46 met with Triangle Transit staff earlier this week about the implementation of the plan about the <br /> 47 bus routes, and her understanding is that the rural bus routes are ones that should come before <br /> 48 the Board for approval. <br /> 49 Craig Benedict said that the east-west route has already been approved and it is up to <br /> 50 Triangle Transit to let staff know information on the plan and they will inform the <br /> 51 Commissioners. He said the only time there would be a decision process necessary would be if <br />