Agenda - 04-09-2013 - 5a
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 04-09-2013 - Regular Mtg.
Agenda - 04-09-2013 - 5a
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6/9/2015 11:27:05 AM
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4/5/2013 1:48:54 PM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
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Agenda Item
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Minutes 04-09-2013
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7 <br /> 1 He said it is time for the implementation of the master plan and Orange County has a tri- <br /> 2 party agreement with the Durham/Chapel Hill/ Carrboro MPO and Triangle Transit on how to <br /> 3 implement this. He said there are criteria set forth about how much revenue is expected and <br /> 4 cost and expenditures. He said that Orange County staff has begun meetings with Triangle <br /> 5 Transit knowing that money for the half cent tax will be assessed beginning April 1. He said <br /> 6 there is a lot of work to be done before you initialize a new route. He said that one of the most <br /> 7 important routes is the proposed east/west route between Mebane, Efland, Hillsborough and <br /> 8 Duke Hospital. He said he is not sure if a full cross county route can be implemented or if it will <br /> 9 start in Hillsborough and go to Durham. He said Triangle Transit has suggested that they are <br /> 10 able to do the route but studies are ongoing to see if it can be done more economically by <br /> 11 Orange Public Transportation. He said that the route between Hillsborough and Chapel Hill, the <br /> 12 420 route, was started by OPT, then taken over by Triangle Transit, who hired Chapel Hill <br /> 13 Transit to run the lines. There are ongoing talks with the Hillsborough community to figure the <br /> 14 best way to potentially intersect the new east/west route mentioned earlier with the 420 route <br /> 15 and the circulator route to create a bus hub in Hillsborough to service multiple purposes. <br /> 16 He said they are also looking at the addition of other rural services, and possible funding <br /> 17 of an Amtrak Rail Station in Hillsborough. He said that the rail system is still in the planning and <br /> 18 funding stages to see if Federal Transit Administration will approve the application of 1.4 billion <br /> 19 dollars in funds to be shared between Orange and Durham County. He noted that this project <br /> 20 is still 3-4 years from a next step. <br /> 21 Chair Jacobs asked if the Board could expect periodic updates on this project. <br /> 22 Craig Benedict said yes. He said that Triangle Transit is required to put forth yearly <br /> 23 updates on revenues, expenditures and costs. He noted another part of the investment plan is <br /> 24 the Martin Luther King Boulevard area, which is suggested for a Bus Rapid Transit route. He <br /> 25 said the funding data for this has to be reported on an annual basis and this discussion is had in <br /> 26 November of each year. He said that this year is a formative year and there is ongoing <br /> 27 development of new routes, expanded hours, and weekend service. He noted the increased <br /> 28 demand and need for the east/west cross county public transit. <br /> 29 Commissioner Pelissier asked who the lead would be in making the Hillsborough Rail <br /> 30 Station happen and what Orange County's role would be in this project. <br /> 31 Craig Benedict said there should be resolution from all local governments as they move <br /> 32 forward and Triangle Transit, as the implementer, should be involved. He said that it will be <br /> 33 important to make assessments and establish good ridership numbers and route descriptions in <br /> 34 the formative stages of finding the strongest route. He said the train station is at 80% funding. <br /> 35 Margaret Hauth said there are a number of different grants under different programs as <br /> 36 they work on funding. <br /> 37 Commissioner McKee said during most of the Board of County Commissioners' <br /> 38 discussion the Mebane to Durham route was presented as a unified route. He said the <br /> 39 Hillsborough Rail Station was a late entrant into the plan and he hoped that it would not be an <br /> 40 early exit out of the plan. He said that whether federal and state money comes through or not, <br /> 41 there will be an amount of money generated by the half cent sales tax and there will be intense <br /> 42 competition for that money due to a high number of public transportation needs throughout the <br /> 43 county. He said that for the five priorities listed in the plan, it is important to look out for all of the <br /> 44 county, but especially the areas that do not have other funding sources. He said that town has <br /> 45 its own transportation needs and the connection between the 420 route and a Mebane/Durham <br /> 46 route would create an ideal interconnectivity. He said that it will be important to stay on top of <br /> 47 things and not let the train station have an early exit, and to insist that the Mebane to Durham <br /> 48 route not become a Hillsborough to Durham route. He said that the rural parts of the county are <br /> 49 a priority in terms of receiving these promised services earlier, rather than later. <br /> 50 Town Commissioner Lowen asked if the Mebane to Durham route would run along <br /> 51 Highway 70. <br />
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