Agenda - 04-09-2013 - 5a
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 04-09-2013 - Regular Mtg.
Agenda - 04-09-2013 - 5a
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6/9/2015 11:27:05 AM
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4/5/2013 1:48:54 PM
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Minutes 04-09-2013
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6 <br /> 1 Commissioner McKee said at the public information meetings held for the residents, <br /> 2 DOT was giving out erroneous and contradictory information regarding possible roads to be <br /> 3 used for alternative access. <br /> 4 Margaret Hauth said she heard similar feedback from attendees at the first meeting and <br /> 5 this was the reason for a request for specific data counts to assess true impact on the citizens. <br /> 6 Abigaile Pittman said she had seen this same issue at a previous closing and a traffic <br /> 7 study was requested. <br /> 8 Chair Jacobs questioned how traffic would detour if both crossings were closed in West <br /> 9 Hillsborough. <br /> 10 Margaret Hauth said the agreement was that if either of the crossings were closed or <br /> 11 modified, then mitigation funds could be brought forward for real improvements to the trestle. If <br /> 12 agreement cannot be reached on an action plan then those funds would not be triggered. She <br /> 13 said she has not seen, even a rendering yet of what those funds might produce. <br /> 14 Craig Benedict said another joint planning effort between Orange County and <br /> 15 Hillsborough is the Orange Grove Road master plan and the crossing that goes into the mobile <br /> 16 home park there has been mentioned. He said planning has gone on between Hillsborough and <br /> 17 Orange County and now if DOT plans to close a crossing, there will also need to be assistance <br /> 18 with re-routing. He said this re-routing may include an Orange Grove Road extension. He said <br /> 19 that the discussion in the meetings stressed that the residents affected are both Orange County <br /> 20 and Hillsborough residents and the big picture needs to be considered. He also said that, on the <br /> 21 west side of Hillsborough, the Eno Mountain Bridge needs to be used. He said that if you use a <br /> 22 western bypass, you can't go to the north side of the Eno and not take it anywhere. He said <br /> 23 there needs to be a furtherance of the Eno Crossing. <br /> 24 Chair Jacobs said there had been discussion of connecting Mayo Street to Eno <br /> 25 Mountain Road to allow a bypass of Hillsborough to reduce downtown traffic. He noted that if <br /> 26 the crossings were closed, this option would be eliminated. <br /> 27 Margaret Hauth said the bridge over the Eno is not angled to allow a convenient <br /> 28 connection to West Hill Ave and would have to be connected somewhere else, thus putting the <br /> 29 trestle in play. <br /> 30 Abigaile Pittman said that the larger picture is at play in the discussions of several of the <br /> 31 crossing closings, especially Greenbrier and the connectivity with other plans in the area. She <br /> 32 said that the response that is heard consistently says DOT needs to work with the larger picture. <br /> 33 Town Commissioner Lloyd said if they were to close the West Hill Avenue or Bellevue, it <br /> 34 would be impossible to get through those routes and she said that the fire department and EMS <br /> 35 would object. <br /> 36 Chair Jacobs said Congressman Coble, who is on the House Transportation Committee, <br /> 37 represents Eno Township, where the entry change is located for 1-85, and most of the widening <br /> 38 east of Hillsborough is in his Congressional District. Chair Jacobs said that perhaps he would <br /> 39 be a source of help for some of these issues in the future. <br /> 40 <br /> 41 2. Transit <br /> 42 <br /> 43 al Update on Orange County Bus and Rail Investment Plan (OCBRIP) Implementation <br /> 44 <br /> 45 Craig Benedict said Orange County invested in this bus and rail investment plan last <br /> 46 year through the approval of the half cent sales tax and that plan was part of a document <br /> 47 approved by the MPO. He said this set forth that the money would be spent for a light rail <br /> 48 system from the hospital, out 54, up 1-40 and 15-501 into Duke University and around to North <br /> 49 Carolina Central. He said a bus service with 40,000 hours was also included, with 34,000 hours <br /> 50 in the first five years. He noted that 34,000 hours of service equates to 10 or 11 new buses with <br /> 51 2,000 to 3,000 hours per bus route. <br />
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