Agenda - 04-09-2013 - 5a
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 04-09-2013 - Regular Mtg.
Agenda - 04-09-2013 - 5a
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Last modified
6/9/2015 11:27:05 AM
Creation date
4/5/2013 1:48:54 PM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
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Agenda Item
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Minutes 04-09-2013
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4 <br /> 1 Commissioner Gordon noted that this implies that the property owners might be affected <br /> 2 in some way, which raises the question of whether they should be involved earlier in the <br /> 3 process. <br /> 4 Craig Benedict said that before any changes are made in the white area they will notify <br /> 5 residents of any proposed changes. He noted similar debates during the late 80's in the <br /> 6 planning process of determining some of the rural zoning density. This was eventually voted on <br /> 7 as one unit per two acres. The thought was that if it stayed at the previous number of one unit <br /> 8 per one acre, it would not be a low enough zone to protect the rural lifestyle and to differentiate <br /> 9 it from the urban environment. Similarly, there is still one unit per one acre in other areas and if <br /> 10 the soil will accommodate the well and septic needs of this number, it could add up to quite a <br /> 11 few units. He noted that this will add traffic to what is already a traffic concern area. He said <br /> 12 that will be a decision through the public hearing process of notifying the public and working with <br /> 13 the County Commissioners to make a determination about the white area. <br /> 14 Commissioner Gordon questioned whether the plan and map are really formally adopted <br /> 15 in step one, or step two. <br /> 16 Tom Altieri said this would be a process similar to the small area plans, (i.e. Efland, <br /> 17 Mebane) where the County Commissioners adopt a plan in one public hearing and then in a <br /> 18 second public hearing goes through the first class mail process before formally making <br /> 19 changes. <br /> 20 Commissioner Gordon clarified that this means it is not formally done until step two and <br /> 21 Tom Altieri said that is correct. <br /> 22 Commissioner Price she does not know if there is any need to worry about the white <br /> 23 area. The critical part is the ETJ and the blue and orange area. <br /> 24 Chair Jacobs said what he is hearing is that the white area will not change unless the <br /> 25 county proposes a change. He noted that at this point there are no zoning change proposals in <br /> 26 the white area other than those that are already part of the agreement, the gray and the blue. <br /> 27 Margaret Hauth said the light blue are outside their urban service boundary, where there <br /> 28 are already water lines in the ground. She said there is no impact to the light blue areas under <br /> 29 the agreements. <br /> 30 <br /> 31 c. Safe Routes to Schools (STST) Action Plan Update <br /> 32 <br /> 33 Abigaile Pittman, Transportation Planner for Orange County, reviewed the history of the <br /> 34 Safe Routes to School action plan, as outlined on pages two and three of the meeting abstract. <br /> 35 She gave details regarding the revisions to federal and state funding sources, specifically the <br /> 36 federal funding, Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21st Century Bill (MAP 21), in which Safe <br /> 37 Routes to School direct allocation funds were removed. She said that NC Department of <br /> 38 Transportation staff has told the planning staff that safety loop funds will continue to be available <br /> 39 to the program with the nine competitive rolling grant cycles. She said this program is a <br /> 40 reimbursement program that does not require local management and is 100 percent federally <br /> 41 funded. She said that when applying for federal reimbursement grants, the county and town <br /> 42 should budget funds and set up accounts to expend those funds until DOT has reimbursed the <br /> 43 project costs. After identification of projects, the county would apply through the DOT Division 7 <br /> 44 office and funding is based on project priority with as much local support as possible from PTA <br /> 45 groups, etc. <br /> 46 Town Commissioner Lowen asked for clarification on CW Stanford Middle School as a <br /> 47 choice and asked what determined why these schools were chosen and not the schools next to <br /> 48 them. <br /> 49 Commissioner McKee arrived at 7:36 PM <br /> 50 Craig Benedict gave some history on the project and said that the advisory board had <br /> 51 several representatives and advocates were affiliated with the schools in Orange County. They <br />
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