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2 <br /> 1 property, this is allowed; but where there are neighborhoods with numerous land owners, it can <br /> 2 be problematic. <br /> 3 Margaret Hauth said most of their annexations have been voluntary. <br /> 4 Commissioner Rich asked for an explanation of what it means to amend boundaries. <br /> 5 Margaret Hauth said they will be moving some residents into their ETJ and some out of <br /> 6 the ETJ and back into the county, which involves re-zoning for each of those property owners. <br /> 7 She said that those property owners have to be notified and there is a process of working <br /> 8 through that change with them. She said that as properties are moved from one jurisdiction to <br /> 9 another, it has to be moved from one zoning category to another. <br /> 10 Commissioner Rich asked how many people would be affected. <br /> 11 Margaret Hauth said it is more than a few but not an extraordinary number. She used a <br /> 12 map to point out areas that will be subject to change. She said there will be 624 acres to be <br /> 13 added and 489 acres to go out. <br /> 14 Margaret Hauth said their Town Board has to formally approve and adopt the plan and <br /> 15 then it will come back to the Board of County Commissioners for consideration, along with the <br /> 16 request to amend ETJs in late March or early April. <br /> 17 Chair Jacobs asked about public hearings and Margaret Hauth said they will be <br /> 18 forthcoming. <br /> 19 Town Commissioner Hallman asked if this included the mutual courtesy review process. <br /> 20 Margaret Hauth said yes, the courtesy review is already in place and the coordinated <br /> 21 planning will go beyond that. <br /> 22 <br /> 23 b. Central Orange Coordinated Area (COCA) Land Use Plan <br /> 24 <br /> 25 Tom Altieri, Comprehensive Planning Supervisor for Orange County, said the initial step <br /> 26 is for the Town to adopt this future land use plan for not only town use areas and ETJ, but also <br /> 27 for the areas designated as urbanizing per the interlocal agreement. He referred to orange and <br /> 28 blue areas on the map (attachment 1 B). Once this is done the county has the opportunity to <br /> 29 adopt the land uses as prescribed by the town, adding land uses for the broader area shown in <br /> 30 white on the map being displayed. He said this will then become the joint land use plan for both <br /> 31 boards to consider. He said the purpose of the coordinated land use plan is to differentiate and <br /> 32 designate those areas that are to remain rural from those that are to have urban services. <br /> 33 Tom Altieri presented a draft outline and time table for their review. He referred to the <br /> 34 following items on the timeline: 1) March — Town Board will consider its land use plan, and 2) <br /> 35 April — County Commissioners will receive this plan as well as the formal outline and timetable <br /> 36 for consideration and approval. <br /> 37 He said the time period will allow for any negotiations necessary between the town and <br /> 38 county. He said they have provided comments from the county on one occasion and the town <br /> 39 was very responsive. He said he expects some discussion about the land use in the white <br /> 40 areas on the map. There will probably be county outreach at two different times during the <br /> 41 process. He said the county and town will need to adopt a plan that both entities can adopt. He <br /> 42 said that once this is adopted, the town and county would need to work independently to <br /> 43 incorporate the map and land uses into its land use ordinances. He said this is a two step <br /> 44 process. The first step is to adopt the land use plan, map, designations and descriptions of the <br /> 45 areas. The second step would include subsequent public hearings to implement that plan into <br /> 46 the town and county ordinances and ETJs swapped, as mentioned earlier. <br /> 47 Commissioner Pelissier asked if there are requirements for this process to notify <br /> 48 property owners of the public hearing. <br /> 49 Tom Altieri said there would be some requirements and the county has its own <br /> 50 requirements outlined in the unified development ordinance. He said that land use plan public <br /> 51 hearing notices are advertised in newspapers, sent out via emails to owners on the distribution <br />