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18 <br /> 1 Commissioner Rich said it is important to bring the Small Area Plan (SAP) back when <br /> 2 they talk about this in the task force; but that it is also a good idea to go back and look at all the <br /> 3 recommendations dating back to 1997 to bring those past opinions back to the table. <br /> 4 Chair Jacobs reviewed what he had noted from the discussion: <br /> 5 -Request that towns appoint task force members and confirm the continuation of the <br /> 6 task force. <br /> 7 - Make a separate recommendation that the six month period conclude with a report to <br /> 8 come back to the County Commissioners no later than the September 17, 2013 <br /> 9 meeting. <br /> 10 A motion was made by Commissioner Gordon seconded by Commissioner Price to <br /> 11 request that the towns confirm that the task force should continue and that they appoint task <br /> 12 force members; confirm the appointment of Commissioners Rich and Price as the County's <br /> 13 members on the Historic Rogers Road Neighborhood Task Force; appoint David Caldwell and <br /> 14 Robert Campbell from the Rogers Eubanks Neighborhood Association to the Historic Rogers <br /> 15 Road Neighborhood Task Force; confirm the Charge and Timeline of the task force as <br /> 16 specified in the second motion at the top of page 3 from the previous meeting, and specify that <br /> 17 the report be due no later than the September 17th Board of Commissioner's meeting. <br /> 18 <br /> 19 Chair Jacobs asked for additional comments. <br /> 20 <br /> 21 Commissioner Dorosin said that the Rogers Eubank Neighborhood Association (RENA) <br /> 22 should appoint its own two citizens to the Historic Rogers Road Task Force and offered this as <br /> 23 a friendly amendment. <br /> 24 Commissioner Rich said the neighborhood should be asked the same questions as the <br /> 25 towns, thus they should be asked to appoint two members and they should be asked if they <br /> 26 wish to continue the task force. <br /> 27 Commissioner Gordon requested that RENA confirm that the task force continues and <br /> 28 appoint two task force members. <br /> 29 A motion was made by Commissioner Alice Gordon and seconded by Commissioner <br /> 30 Renee Price to: <br /> 31 <br /> 32 1. Request that the towns confirm the continuation of the Historic <br /> 33 Rogers Road Neighborhood Task Force and appoint members to the Task force; <br /> 34 <br /> 35 2. Confirm the appointment of Commissioners Rich and Price as the <br /> 36 county's members on the Historic Rogers Road Neighborhood Task Force; <br /> 37 <br /> 38 3. Request that the Rogers Eubanks Neighborhood Association confirm <br /> 39 the continuation of the Historic Rogers Road Neighborhood Task Force and appoint two <br /> 40 members to the Task Force; <br /> 41 <br /> 42 4. Confirm the charge and a timeline for the Task force as specified by the motion <br /> 43 approved at the January 24 meeting: <br /> 44 <br /> 45 - To continue the Task Force for six (6) months; <br /> 46 - To have the Task Force consider the final costs, provision and installation of water <br /> 47 and sewer utility extensions preferably at no cost for members of the Historic Rogers <br /> 48 Road community; <br /> 49 - Consider options to address gentrification; <br /> 50 - Consider Chapel Hill's most recent Small Area Plan; <br />