Agenda - 04-09-2013 - 5a
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 04-09-2013 - Regular Mtg.
Agenda - 04-09-2013 - 5a
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6/9/2015 11:27:05 AM
Creation date
4/5/2013 1:48:54 PM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
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Agenda Item
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Minutes 04-09-2013
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17 <br /> 1 Frank Clifton said the issue for the Board of County Commissioners is that there is <br /> 2 summer break and he asked if the board would want this task force to come back with a report <br /> 3 in September. <br /> 4 Commissioner Rich said; regarding bullet point one, could the towns also be asked to <br /> 5 approve, along with their appointments, the continuation of the task force. She said there is an <br /> 6 assumption that the towns want the task force continue but this should be confirmed. <br /> 7 Chair Jacobs said, assuming the towns approve this, it could be six months from the last <br /> 8 town endorsement and approval. <br /> 9 Commissioner Rich said Orange County should put a deadline date on it and not wait for <br /> 10 the towns. <br /> 11 Chair Jacobs pointed out that the board reconvenes on September 5th <br /> 12 Commissioner Price said she believes that the task force wanted this to end by <br /> 13 June. She said that since none of this is new, the Board should move forward and attempt to <br /> 14 have something done by June. <br /> 15 Chair Jacobs said June is full with budget items even though no one disputes her point. <br /> 16 Commissioner Price said the point was to have things done no later than June. <br /> 17 Commissioner Dorosin said that June puts it down to four months and he believes the <br /> 18 start should be when the task force meets again. He said that this needs to be meaningful and <br /> 19 four months will lead to ramming through recommendations without really engaging the <br /> 20 community. He said that the target should be 6 months from when the task force meets again. <br /> 21 Commissioner McKee expressed his agreement with Commissioner Dorosin and said <br /> 22 that the other boards will take some time to make appointments and then there will be a lag <br /> 23 before the group meets. He said that because this will not be addressed until at least <br /> 24 September 5th, he does not have a problem with asking for a report back by the second meeting <br /> 25 in September. He also suggested a 6 month timeframe from the date of either the last <br /> 26 appointment by the towns or the first meeting by the task force. <br /> 27 Frank Clifton said he did not want to create confusion and that he sees no reason to <br /> 28 have a report due July 1st if none of the bodies meet until September. He feels a September <br /> 29 deadline is good. <br /> 30 Commissioner Dorosin said that since the community center has been bifurcated from <br /> 31 the task force, that will proceed at pace. He said he is less concerned that giving a 6 month <br /> 32 time frame will keep things from proceeding. <br /> 33 Commissioner Price said she is fine as long as they do have a certain deadline date. <br /> 34 Chair Jacobs pointed out that the motion that was ratified was to continue the task force <br /> 35 for 6 months, but it has no definition of this timeline. He suggested that they clarify the timeline <br /> 36 by setting the expectation of a report at their September 17t meeting. <br /> 37 Michael Talbert said all of his points have been covered and it is unlikely the task force <br /> 38 will meet before mid-March and a September date is feasible. He said that it will take at least 4- <br /> 39 6 weeks to pull together a final report for approval from the task force, prior to the town and <br /> 40 county seeing it. <br /> 41 Chair Jacobs said that Commissioner Dorosin had made an observation about the <br /> 42 charge from January 24th meeting related to items 3-4 on the motion. <br /> 43 Commissioner Dorosin said that when he made the motion to consider options to <br /> 44 address gentrification, he intended on including Chapel Hill Small Area Plan (SAP) as all one <br /> 45 bullet item, considering future development in the area. <br /> 46 Chair Jacobs said he was not sure there was any substantive difference. <br /> 47 Commissioner Gordon said it should be left as is. She said she listened carefully to the <br /> 48 video of the meeting. When Chair Jacobs read the motion he used a lot of"ands", which <br /> 49 resulted in the clerk writing it as it stands, and Commissioner Gordon accepted what the clerk <br /> 50 wrote. <br />
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