Agenda - 04-09-2013 - 5a
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 04-09-2013 - Regular Mtg.
Agenda - 04-09-2013 - 5a
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6/9/2015 11:27:05 AM
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4/5/2013 1:48:54 PM
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Regular Meeting
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Minutes 04-09-2013
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13 <br /> 1 Chair Jacobs asked Craig Benedict how this fits into the Planning Department's work <br /> 2 plan to pursue a connectivity plan. <br /> 3 Craig Benedict, Orange County Planning Director, said there is an Efland/Mebane area <br /> 4 implementation focus group that could be re-convened to discuss this issue along with other <br /> 5 topics that come with making this a village area. He said that the struggle is that there are <br /> 6 designated urban transition areas, yet there are characteristics that fit more with a rural county. <br /> 7 He said that if growth is to be promoted, the connectivity characteristic is needed. He said <br /> 8 there will be a work plan note put together and sent to the Commissioners on what the Planning <br /> 9 Board is trying to achieve and how progress will be made. He said there is potential to bring <br /> 10 this up on the work plan for this year. <br /> 11 Chair Jacobs agreed with the connectivity issue being a priority and said this issue has <br /> 12 been discussed in the Efland area for about 8 years. He said it has not been satisfactorily <br /> 13 addressed. He said either recommendation will require more work for planning staff. He said <br /> 14 that an incentive plan is worth looking at and a connectivity plan is essential. He said that if <br /> 15 intensity is going to be encouraged then comprehensive connectivity must be dealt with. He <br /> 16 said that it is the job of the Board, if planning for urban style growth, to plan for urban style <br /> 17 transit and he would hope for concrete recommendations this year. <br /> 18 <br /> 19 A motion was made by Commissioner McKee seconded by Commissioner Gordon to <br /> 20 close the public hearing. <br /> 21 <br /> 22 VOTE: UNANIMOUS <br /> 23 <br /> 24 A motion was made by Commissioner McKee seconded by Commissioner Rich to adopt <br /> 25 item 3-c which states the Board will not adopt any changes, and that the Board will adopt <br /> 26 Attachments 5 and 6, which consist of an ordinance denying the amendments and <br /> 27 the Statement of Inconsistency with the Comprehensive Plan; and that staff and the Planning <br /> 28 Board will address and answer the issues on page 3, Items 1-7 listed below: <br /> 29 <br /> 30 1. The imposition of`requiring' public use of private property including the cost <br /> 31 (potentially upwards of$100 per linear foot, depending on site conditions), liability and <br /> 32 maintenance. Do issues of partial taking arise? <br /> 33 2. Would this pedestrian system have to be Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) <br /> 34 compatible (i.e. paved)? <br /> 35 3. The legal authority to enforce lack of maintenance. <br /> 36 4. The increase in impervious square footage due to the walkway causes a restriction in <br /> 37 the potential building size. <br /> 38 5. Would the `piece-meal' implementation cause "sidewalks to nowhere" and/or affect <br /> 39 the development design of adjacent parcels? <br /> 40 6. Associated liabilities to third parties by individual property owners. <br /> 41 7. Lack of an overall master plan for walkability. <br /> 42 <br /> 43 Commissioner Dorosin said he sees the seven issues as narrower than what Chair <br /> 44 Jacobs said about connectivity plans and urbanization of the area. <br /> 45 Commissioner McKee said his intent is that this be moved back to the Planning Board <br /> 46 and staff for discussion and not that any comments or ideas discussed be eliminated or not <br /> 47 considered. He said the idea of putting the plan in place and then addressing the issues is <br /> 48 counterproductive and said that he is supportive of the village and the zoning. <br /> 49 Chair Jacobs said #7 on page 3 is just a comment, not a direction and he questioned <br /> 50 Commissioner McKee's intention in requesting an answer to this open ended statement. <br />
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