Agenda - 04-09-2013 - 5a
Board of County Commissioners
BOCC Agendas
Agenda - 04-09-2013 - Regular Mtg.
Agenda - 04-09-2013 - 5a
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Last modified
6/9/2015 11:27:05 AM
Creation date
4/5/2013 1:48:54 PM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
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Agenda Item
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Minutes 04-09-2013
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12 <br /> 1 Perdita Holtz said the staff's recommendation is to continue to bring this issue to the <br /> 2 forefront at the state level. <br /> 3 Frank Clifton said as staff looked at this, the reality of this village concept in a rural area <br /> 4 is that they don't have a connectivity plan. The hesitancy of DOT to accept more responsibility <br /> 5 for these right-of-ways and with the Board of County Commissioners not wanting to be involved <br /> 6 in the maintaining of those right-of-ways, creates the awkward position of asking property <br /> 7 owners to put the walkway in and accept the maintenance and liability. He said there is need <br /> 8 for more study and a decision about how far the County wants to get into the urbanization <br /> 9 business. He said that the state is expanding ability but not revenue sources for this. He said <br /> 10 that if the desire is to encourage development then before rules burdening property owners are <br /> 11 established, the issues need to be studied further. <br /> 12 Commissioner Gordon said she supported connectivity, but wondered if there is a <br /> 13 collector street plan for this area, because they are trying to make this more urban but they <br /> 14 have no mechanism for connectivity. She said the whole point was to allow more non- <br /> 15 residential development but there needs to be a path to that. She said that collector street <br /> 16 plans are more in the paradigm and at least have the developer build the street. <br /> 17 Perdita Holtz said they could look at this issue. She noted that in Efland, many of the <br /> 18 lots go to the center line of the roads and DOT maintains them but does not own any right of <br /> 19 ways. She said that the suggestion is to adopt the overlay districts at this time and put some <br /> 20 design standards in place before any more large scale development takes place, while <br /> 21 continuing to work on the topic of sidewalks. <br /> 22 Commissioner Dorosin clarified that what the staff recommends is approval of the <br /> 23 internal walkway plan for the five acre interstate district with no walkway plan for the village <br /> 24 district. <br /> 25 Perdita Holtz said that for the Village District there would be an internal pedestrian <br /> 26 system required for projects on 2 acres or greater than 15,000 square feet of building area. <br /> 27 She said that there is leeway in this during the site plan process. <br /> 28 Commissioner Dorosin questioned how the Planning Board's recommendation differs. <br /> 29 Perdita Holtz said that the Planning Board recommends a privately owned and <br /> 30 maintained walkway system throughout the area, on private property. <br /> 31 Commissioner Dorosin questions how this differs from the requirement for 2 acres or <br /> 32 more. <br /> 33 Perdita Holtz said the 2 acre requirement is only for internal use, larger businesses <br /> 34 would only have walkways between buildings; however the Planning Board's recommended <br /> 35 walkways would be a private sidewalk system that anyone could use. <br /> 36 Commissioner Dorosin said his question is with regard to the approval process and he <br /> 37 wonders if they could incentivize the developers to provide a publicly accessible sidewalk. <br /> 38 Perdita Holtz said there would need to be a sidewalk plan for the area to avoid issues <br /> 39 with encouraging trespass on adjoining properties if a sidewalk ends at the edge of one <br /> 40 property and is not continued on the next. <br /> 41 Commissioner Pelissier said most lots in this overlay district either face Hwy 70 or <br /> 42 Efland Cheeks Road and these are highly traveled roads. She said that requiring sidewalks is <br /> 43 not going to encourage connectivity in this area. <br /> 44 Perdita Holtz said the internal pedestrian system is an amenity for that property. <br /> 45 Commissioner McKee said that this issue brings up questions that center on the cost of <br /> 46 housing and the cost of building in Orange County. He said that he does not believe the <br /> 47 planning is not far enough along to really consider and he feels the discussion is premature. He <br /> 48 said there should be a closer look at connectivity and whether this will continue the escalation in <br /> 49 property cost on housing and businesses. He thinks the high housing cost in Orange County is <br /> 50 partially due to these regulations. <br />
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