Orange County NC Website
PROPOSED AMENDMENTS TO SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS <br /> (Text proposed to be deleted is printed in bold 4 <br /> format; text proposed to be inserted is printed in bold underlined <br /> Amend Orange County Subdivision Regulations, Section IV-B-3-d-1 — format <br /> AMEND THE PRIVATE ROAD JUSTIFICATION SECTION Roads as follows: <br /> TO READ AS FOLLOWS: <br /> However, private roads may be allowed in a subdivision where in <br /> Of County Commissioners, it is found that the nature and location <br /> the judgment of the Planning Board and with the approval of the Board <br /> of the subdivision with respect to other development and the <br /> A rivate road shall be deemed 'ustified for a minor subdivision <br /> more than three lots. (n such subdivisions, a rivate access easement ranted to allow an ad'acent lot to access a resultin in no Staff comment: This provision would <br /> number of access oints on a ubtic road. The intent nt ma be provide for the use of private roads for: <br /> s the rivate road In order to reduce the 1) subdivision <br /> subdivision of arcels of sufFcient acrea a to of this rovision is to allow of small lots (less than 7 <br /> re uirements for minimum lot size or area Per dwe– unit where a acres) into 3 tots of minimum lot size <br /> would not otherwise be ermitted be meet zonin ordinance allowed in district; and 2) subdivision of <br /> rivate road <br /> re uirement 1. a, as follows and whores th he subdivision cannot com t with 2 lots of minimum lot size allowed in <br /> densi re uirement fora .....ublic road to be a ce tedsion would not meet the district for large parcels (for example, for <br /> I <br /> ZIT stem. For an other use of this rovision family members of farm owners). <br /> document to be recorded with the final plat the state maintained <br /> the final lat and a se crate Comment. Provisions for justifying <br /> further d.e elo ment of an resultin lots incl all contain a statement that an fY g <br /> rocessed as a ma'or subdivision udin the arent tract, shall be private roads are not specific enough. <br /> The ordinance does not give standards . <br /> that can be measured which leaves <br /> d! dele compliance to the subjective judgement <br /> of staff and decision-makers. <br /> Board and the Board of Coun For all other subdivisions the Plannin Rdsponse: Staff proposes to clarify and <br /> subdivisions and Plannin staff in the case ners in the case of ma'or reinforce private road justification <br /> consider the followin desi n features when determinin requirements as follows. <br /> of minor subdivisions shall <br /> private roads in subdivisions. At a minimum, a rivate road ma whether #o ermlt <br /> subdivision meets standards of 1.a and at least two other des! be 'ustified if the <br /> below. n features listed <br />