2000 S Aging - Authorization to Enter into Agreements with Respite Care Providers Care Focus
Board of County Commissioners
Contracts and Agreements
General Contracts and Agreements
2000 S Aging - Authorization to Enter into Agreements with Respite Care Providers Care Focus
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Last modified
4/17/2013 3:05:54 PM
Creation date
4/4/2013 10:48:58 AM
Meeting Type
Regular Meeting
Document Type
Agenda Item
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Agenda - 09-19-2000-8b
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3. To have an adequate number of aides hired and available to work in Orange County on the date <br /> this agreement is signed. <br /> 4. To staff each referred case within ten working days of the authorization date specified on the <br /> service authorization form provided for each client by the Department i t P oss J b le- <br /> 5. To staff Adult Protective Services cases within five working days of authorization. <br /> 6. To maintain services once staffed over the service period stipulated by the Department. <br /> 7. To provide consistent aide assignment over the service period stipulated by the Department. <br /> 8. To provide services in two-hour minimum periods of service time, as specified in the service <br /> authorization. <br /> 9. To provide weekly timesheets, signed by the client or responsible party, the aide, and the aide <br /> supervisor, which show the allocated weekly hours and the actual billable hours, time frame of <br /> service provided,and type of services provided. <br /> 10. To provide weekly billing reports for each client, explaining variances in schedules and variances <br /> in the plan of care. If timesheets are not provided, if tasks are not recorded, if timesheets do not <br /> include required signatures, or if variances in schedules and/or plans of care are not noted and <br /> explained,the corresponding bills will not be paid. <br /> 11. To provide upon request a written analysis of services provided since the beginning of the fiscal <br /> year, including total hours of service for each client, dates of services provided to each client, and <br /> explanations for any discrepancies between services requested and provided. <br /> 12. To make every effort to promptly communicate by phone to the Department's Eldercare <br /> Supervisor any aide changes, interruptions in aide services, or problems with clients' <br /> services. <br /> 13. To maintain appropriate client and personnel files at the Vendor's licensed office,and to ensure <br /> that such records that fully disclose the extent of the service provided to recipients are kept for <br /> three years from the first service date for each client and are available for inspection. <br /> 14. To make every effort to help clients understand the relationship between the Vendor and the <br /> Department in providing in-home aide services to them. <br /> 15. To inform clients at least the afternoon before services are expected if there is to be any change <br /> in the time or duration of their services. <br /> 16. To under no circumstances ask clients referred to you by the Department about their <br /> economic status, or in any way attempt to recruit new clients from the Department's client pool. <br /> 17. To keep confidential any information about a client which is shared by the Deparrtment or the <br /> client. Such information shall be shared only among other Department and Vendor staff who need <br /> to know in order to coordinate, manage, or deliver services to the client. <br /> 2 <br />
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