Orange County NC Website
Contract Number 000285821 Page 10 of 19 <br /> Leadership from the Division of Medical Assistance (DMA) Money Follows <br /> the Person Project are actively involved with the NC Lifespan Respite <br /> Project. Previous surveys had identified the greatest barriers to successfully <br /> transitioning from an institution to community living to be limited housing <br /> supports and limited caregiver supports. This identified need led to the <br /> development of a competitive grant opportunity to eligible organizations <br /> across the state in collaboration with the Division of Medical Assistance <br /> (DMA) through the Lifespan Respite Care and Money Follows the Person <br /> Projects. <br /> Chinese-Americans are the largest sub-group of Asian-Americans and the <br /> second largest immigrant group in the U.S., after Mexican Americans. North <br /> Carolina is expected to see a rapid increase in older Chinese immigrants <br /> over the next decades. NC is already one of the top five states in the growth <br /> of the Asian-American population. Between 2000 and 2010, NC saw the <br /> proportion of the state's Asian-American population grow by 85 percent. <br /> Asian-Americans and immigrants are the largest minority group in the <br /> Chapel Hill/Carrboro metropolitan area. <br /> This contract was awarded through a Request for Application (RFA). <br /> Applicants were asked to propose projects designed to meet community <br /> needs. <br /> PURPOSE <br /> This contract supports a pilot program to implement a family caregiver-to- <br /> caregiver support model, targeting families who have recently assumed <br /> more caregiving responsibilities for an individual transitioning back to their <br /> home/community or individuals that are at risk of being admitted into a long- <br /> term care facility. <br /> SCOPE OF WORK(PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS) <br /> The contractor will operate a "family caregiver-to-caregiver support" project <br /> in Orange County, North Carolina. The program will recruit at least 15 <br /> Asian-American volunteers per year tb serve as family caregiver to caregiver <br /> supporters. The majority of volunteers trained will be Chinese-speaking. <br /> The contractor will provide training that includes the following elements: <br /> Being a family caregiver"peer" and gaining insight from existing <br /> peer support models. <br /> Sharing public and community resources available to support the <br /> family caregiver and care recipient, particularly respite care <br /> Scope of Work(Rev. 4/12) <br />