2000 S Solid Waste - Approval of Food Waste Collection and Composting Contract with Brooks Contracting (2)
Board of County Commissioners
Contracts and Agreements
General Contracts and Agreements
2000 S Solid Waste - Approval of Food Waste Collection and Composting Contract with Brooks Contracting (2)
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Last modified
4/17/2013 3:01:43 PM
Creation date
3/28/2013 4:10:10 PM
Meeting Type
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Agenda - 09-05-2000-8l
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to service a preschool which is assigned three curbside recycling bins and located in a residential <br /> area within one of the Towns, County will be billed at the rate of 3 x$3.36 per month or$10.08 per <br /> month. <br /> The cost of providing curbside recycling service to pedestrian recycling stations that are nearby or <br /> adjacent to a curbside recycling route will be determined as follows:the cost will be equal to five <br /> (5)times the cost of providing service to a household. For example,during Fiscal Year 2000-2001 <br /> for Contractor to service a pedestrian recycling station located at Carrboro Town Hall,County will <br /> be billed at the rate of 5 x$3.36 per month or$16.80 per month. <br /> If County and Contractor choose to extend this contract for additional years,actual costs for future <br /> years are to be negotiated annually. The formula for negotiating future costs is to be as follows: <br /> Cost of collection per household in 2001-2002 within the Town limits of Carrboro,Hillsborough <br /> and Chapel Hill shall not exceed$3.36 per household plus the increased cost factor provided from <br /> the Bureau of Labor Statistics Consumer Price Index for Transportation for the South Urban region <br /> as measured in March 2001 and compared to March 2000. This cost shall be reduced$0.06 per <br /> home for each increment of 5 homes per hour collection efficiency over 50 stops per hour. <br /> Cost per household for 2002-2003 shall be allowed to increase above the 2001-2002 price by an <br /> amount equal to the Bureau of Labor Statistics Consumer Price Index for Transportation for the <br /> South Urban region as measured in March 2002 and compared to March 2001. This cost shall be <br /> reduced$0.06 per home for each increment of 5 homes per hour collection efficiency over 50 stops <br /> per hour. <br /> The contract may also be expanded or reduced at the option of County to include additional or <br /> fewer residential homes and adjacent small businesses,schools,institutions,churches,and <br /> pedestrian recycling stations. If legislation or ordinances are passed which significantly impact the <br /> participation in this program,the cost of service for this program may be renegotiated between the <br /> Contractor and County. <br /> SECTION 4 <br /> Performance Sharron <br /> Performance Sharing will be based on measured improvements in operational productivity. Any <br /> increase in productivity will be measured against a base of 50 homes per hour collected. This <br /> measurement shall be based on the actual bin set out rate. If an increase in productivity is ' <br /> measured,for each five homes per hour improvement above the base of 50;Contractor will reduce <br /> the cost of the monthly invoice by$0.06 per resident. The homes per hour calculation will be based <br /> on the total Set Outs per month divided by the total truck hours required to for the curbside <br /> collection vehicles to collect,transport,and unload the recyclable materials. This calculation will <br /> be made on a monthly basis from daily reports of total set outs and truck hours. This data will <br /> originate from Contractor's daily truck information accumulated each month. Contractor shall <br /> furnish the information needed to make such a calculation,and Contractor will make this <br /> calculation. Contractor will include both the data used to make said calculation and the result of <br /> said calculation with the required monthly report. In the event that an improvement in productivity <br /> is determined to have taken place during any month,the cost of collection shall be reduced by <br /> $0.06 per household billed. This reduction in collection cost per household shall be in effect for the <br /> month in which the increase in productivity was measured and for all months that follow <br /> throughout the remainder of the contract. <br /> 3 <br />
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