Orange County NC Website
H. Year-End Expenditures: All expenditures must be made by June 30, 2001 in order to be <br /> reimbursed from fiscal year 2000-01 funds. The Grantee must request reimbursement of <br /> funds spent in a grant year by August 15 following the last day of that grant year. Any <br /> request for reimbursement made after August 15 will be paid from current year grant <br /> funds, if such funds are available. Additionally, each Grantee shall submit by May 15 <br /> of each year a summary of projected current grant year expenditures for <br /> implementation and discretionary funds. <br /> V. Allowable/Non-allowable Costs <br /> A. Allowable Costs: The allowability of costs incurred under any grant shall be determined in <br /> accordance with the general principles of allowability and standards set by the NCDOCCJPP. <br /> If the allowability of an expenditure cannot be determined because records or documentation <br /> are inadequate,the questionable cost shall be disallowed. <br /> B. Expenses Not Allowable: The Grantee may not expend grant funds for the following: a) <br /> items not part of the approved budget;b) indirect costs. The Grantee may not expend funds <br /> for the following unless specified in the Grantee's plan or application for funding and <br /> approved by the NCDOCCJPP: a) construction or renovation of a facility, structure or <br /> building;b)purchase of automobiles or vehicles;and c)purchase of buildings and associated <br /> land or payment of real estate mortgages or taxes. The Grantee may not expend grant funds <br /> for the following unless prior v.-ritten approval separate from the Grantee's plan and <br /> application is obtained from the NCDOCCJPP: a)purchase of raw land or b)entertainment. <br /> C. Personnel: All of the duties and services rendered or performed in the activity of this project <br /> «ill be under the Grantee's supervision,and all personnel engaged in the work shall be fully <br /> qualified and shall be authorized or permitted under federal, state, and local law to perform <br /> such services. Salary and other compensation for county personnel engaged in the work shall <br /> be based on established county personnel policies covering qualifications and development <br /> and maintenance of job descriptions,and salaries shall be established in accordance with the <br /> county's approved pay classification plan. <br /> Personnel costs shall not be allowable as costs to be financed in whole or in part with <br /> this grant award, unless the position or allowable cost thereof is specifically con- <br /> tained within the narrative portion of the application and the approved budget and <br /> then only as to the cost therein designated as approved , `A.11 increases in county <br /> personnel salaries and other compensation must be implemented in accordance with <br /> the county's personnel polices and pay classification plan,as approved by the County <br /> Board of Commissioners. Documentation of such increases shall be made available to <br /> the NCDOCCJPP upon request. <br /> D. Contracts for Professional Services: The Grantee assures that in any NCDOCCJPP <br /> program or project requiring the procurement of contractual services a competitive bidding <br /> or competitive negotiation:process will be used when appropriate and practical and when <br /> required by law or by county policy. In all cases the Grantee shall secure the most cost- <br /> effective manner of providing services. In the case where the county opts not to use a <br /> competitive process and the cost of contractual services exceeds the range of typical rates for <br /> such services in other counties,the NCDOCCJPP may require the county to make a request <br /> for proposals or utilize competitive bidding before expending funds for contractual services. <br />