Orange County NC Website
18 <br /> AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE ORANGE COUNTY <br /> SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS <br /> SECTION IV-B-3-d-1. ROADS AND <br /> APPENDIX A. ORANGE COUNTY PRIVATE ROAD STANDARDS <br /> THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF ORANGE COUNTY ORDAINS: <br /> ORANGE COUNTY SUBDIVISION REGULATIONS, SECTION IV-13-3-D-1. ROADS, BEGINNING THE <br /> MIDDLE OF PAGE 30-a REGARDING JUSTIFICTION OF PRIVATE ROADS, IS AMENDED AS FOLLOWS: <br /> A private road shall be deemed justified for a minor subdivision resulting in no more than <br /> three lots. In such subdivisions, a private access easement may be granted to allow an <br /> adjacent lot to access the private road in order to reduce the number of access points on <br /> a public road. The intent of this provision is to allow subdivision of parcels of sufficient <br /> acreage to meet zoning ordinance requirements for minimum lot size or area per dwelling <br /> unit where a private road would not otherwise be permitted because the subdivision <br /> cannot comply with requirement 1. a. as follows and where the subdivision would not <br /> meet the density requirement for a public road to be accepted into the state maintained <br /> system. For any other use of this provision, the final plat and a separate document to be <br /> recorded with the final plat shall contain a statement that any further development of any <br /> resulting lots, including the parent tract, shall be processed as a major subdivision <br /> For all other subdivisions the Planning Board and the Board of County Commissioners (in <br /> the case of major subdivisions) and Planning staff(in the case of minor subdivisions) shall <br /> consider the following design features when determining whether to permit private roads <br /> in subdivisions. At a minimum, a private road may be justified if the subdivision meets <br /> standards of 1.a and at least two other design features listed below. <br /> 1. The location and design of the subdivision is such that it clearly preserves <br /> the rural character of the County through: <br /> a. The provision of lot sizes and building setback lines significantly <br /> greater than required by the underlying zoning district according to <br /> the following standards: <br /> 1) For zoning districts having a minimum lot size of 40,000 square <br /> feet or less, all lots in the subdivision must be at least 80,000 <br /> square feet. <br /> 2) For zoning districts having a minimum lot size or per dwelling unit <br /> area requirement of 87,120 square feet (two acres), all lots must <br /> be at least 130,680 square feet (three acres) except for <br /> subdivisions developed as flexible development subdivisions. <br /> 3) For clustered subdivisions developed as flexible development <br /> subdivisions preserving at least 33% of the land in open space, <br /> in a zoning district having a minimum lot size or per dwelling <br /> unit area requirement of 87,120 square feet (two acres) or <br /> greater, all lots must be at least 87,120 square feet (two acres) <br /> and the overall density of the subdivision must not exceed one <br /> dwelling unit per 130,680 square feet (three acres). <br />