Orange County NC Website
CONTRACT NO. H200075 <br /> CONTRACTOR covered by this agreement; for costs of work performed by subcontractors for <br /> the CONTRACTOR provided that such subcontracts have been approved as provided herein; or <br /> for each full day of services performed where compensation is based on each full day of <br /> services performed, less payment of compensation previously made. The CONTRACTOR shall <br /> repay to the DEPARTMENT any compensation he has received which is in excess of the <br /> payment to which he is entitled herein. <br /> 12. The parties to this contract agree and understand that the payment of the <br /> sums specified in this contract is dependent and contingent upon and subject to the <br /> appropriation, allocation, and availability of funds for this purpose to the DEPARTMENT. <br /> 13. The CONTRACTOR agrees to indemnify and save harmless the State of <br /> North Carolina, Department of Environment and Natural Resources, its officers.and employees <br /> from claims, suits, actions, damages and cost of every name and description arising out of or <br /> resulting from the performance of this contract. <br /> 14. Any CONTRACTOR receiving at least$15,000 but less than $100,000 in <br /> state funds from the DEPARTMENT within any fiscal year is required to file with each,funding <br /> state agency a sworn accounting of receipts and expenditures of state funds in the format <br /> approved by the State Auditor. This accounting must be attested to by the CONTRACTOR fiscal <br /> officer and one other authorizing officer of the CONTRACTOR. This accounting must be filed <br /> with each funding state agency within six months after the end of the CONTRACTOR'S <br /> operating year. If the CONTRACTOR receives STATE funds of$100,000 or more during its <br /> fiscal year, it must file with the State Auditor and each funding agency its audited financial <br /> statements in accordance with the standards and formats prescribed by the State Auditor in <br /> Memorandum NGO-2 "Grantee Audit Reports." If the CONTRACTOR receives $300,000 or <br /> more in FEDERAL awards during its fiscal year from any source, including federal funds passed <br /> through the State or other grantors, it must obtain a single audit or program-specific audit <br /> conducted in accordance with the Federal Office of Management and Budgets Circular A-133 <br /> "Audits of States, Local Government and Non-Profit Organizations." If the above amounts are <br /> not met by one single funding agency, but rather any combination of funding agencies, then the <br /> appropriate reports shall be sent to the Office of the State Auditor. Also, a corrective action plan <br /> for any audit findings and recommendations must be submitted along with the audit report or <br /> within the period specified by the applicable OMB Circular or Memorandum. <br /> 15. The DEPARTMENT may, from time to time, request changes in the scope <br /> of the services of the CONTRACTOR to be performed under this agreement. Such changes, <br /> including any increase or decrease in the amount of the CONTRACTOR'S compensation, which <br /> are mutually agreed upon by and between the CONTRACTOR and the DEPARTMENT, shall be <br /> incorporated in written amendments to this contract. <br /> 16. Any information, data, instruments, documents studies or reports given to <br /> or prepared or assembled by the CONTRACTOR under this agreement may'be published by the <br /> CONTRACTOR or its employees, or distributed by the CONTRACTOR to any other individual or <br /> organization.' Prior to entering into an agreement to publish, or prior to publishing, the <br /> CONTRACTOR or its employees shall give the DEPARTMENT a reasonable opportunity to <br /> review any such proposed publication solely for the purpose of determining if the DEPARTMENT <br /> wishes to be given*credit for its funding role in the preparation of any such information, data, <br /> instruments, documents, studies, or reports. If the DEPARTMENT determines that it wishes to <br /> be given credit, then CONTRACTOR shall take all necessary steps to assure that credit is given <br /> by the publisher. Otherwise, the CONTRACTOR may proceed to enter into any agreement to <br /> publish, or may publish, but shall not acknowledge any participation by the DEPARTMENT. <br /> 3 of 5 <br />