Orange County NC Website
D. FIELD INVESTIGATIONS <br /> The survey is intended to provide an inventory of all cultural and archaeological resources <br /> within the survey areas described above, to assess the significance of the resources, and to <br /> make recommendations for the management of the Identified resources. <br /> ArchaeoIgglCal Resources <br /> With the exception of previously surveyed areas, the entire APE will be subjected to a pedestrian <br /> survey to locate above-ground and surface features and artifacts. Other visual Inspections will <br /> Include cut banks, roadbeds, and exposed, plowed, or eroded surfaces. <br /> Intensive subsurface investigations will be conducted at 30-meter intervals in areas that are <br /> determined to have a high probability for the presence of archaeological materials, High- <br /> probability areas will be determined by project mapping and field reconnaissance. Factors that <br /> will considered for determining high-probability areas will be soil conditions, landform, and <br /> distance to water. Shovel testing will not be conducted In areas that are steeply sloped or <br /> wetlands. <br /> Shovel tests will measure at least 38 cm (15 Inches) in diameter and will be excavated to sterile <br /> subsoil, the watertable, or underlying bedrock or subsoil, All excavated material will be sifted <br /> through Y-inch hardware mesh. The soil color and texture, as well as notes on the <br /> stratigraphic relationship of the artifacts, If recovered, will be recorded for all shovel tests. <br /> If archaeological sites are located, then site testing will consist of close-interval subsurface <br /> shovel tests that are excavated on a cruciform pattern and/or Intensive surface Inspection, <br /> depending on site characteristics, Site boundaries will be based on (1) positive shovel test <br /> locations, (Z)the distribution of surface artifacts, and (3) a natural barrier such as <br /> slope/hillside/creek/wetlands. The purpose of site testing will be to gather preliminary data on <br /> cultural affiliation, site size and boundaries, Integrity, and significance In terms of eligibility for <br /> the National Register of Historic Places (NRHP). <br /> A sketch map of each site will be produced, and the site and its boundaries will be entered on <br /> the overall project map, The location of each shovel test will be placed on the site sketch map, <br /> and notes will be maintained on the soil profiles and artifact content of each shovel test, Each <br /> site will be photographed and general notes will be taken concerning site location and <br /> condition. Standard forms will be used in the field to record archaeological sites. All sites <br /> Identified during the survey will be delineated in the field by CIS-GPS technology and <br /> transferred onto scale/location mapping (engineering design plans) as shapeflles. <br /> For this project, archaeological sites are defined as defined as occurrences of three or more <br /> artifacts within a discrete locale and/or localities that exhibit evidence of intact surface or <br /> subsurface cultural features and suggest that Information about the past human.behavior Is <br /> present, Locations with less than three artifacts are Identified as Isolated finds. <br /> All artifacts recovered will be bagged by site and antra-site provenience. The Principal <br /> Investigator and Field Director will maintain detailed notes on the survey methodology, sites <br /> identified on the survey, and relevant environmental factors, <br /> All subsurface testing prodedures will conform the the Secretary oflnterlor"s Standards and <br /> Guldellnes forArchaeology and Hlstodc Preservation(36 CFR Part 61). These address <br /> measuring In metric with English conversions; drawing a plan view of the site that is tied to the <br /> project design plans; describing soil using standardized measures, shifting soil through A-Inch <br /> 3 <br />