Minutes 02-12-2013
Board of County Commissioners
Minutes - Approved
Minutes 02-12-2013
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Last modified
3/20/2013 9:54:48 AM
Creation date
3/20/2013 9:50:14 AM
Meeting Type
Work Session
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Agenda - 02-12-2013 - Agenda
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not heard of any of these complaints from the users and he is not sure where the statements in <br /> the packet are coming from. He said the building is well kept and maintained. He is concerned <br /> about moving the agencies in this facility is because all the extensions in this building use a <br /> common federal server and must be in the same facility to use this. He said they also interact <br /> on a daily basis with each other and the idea of cramming those agencies, not even including <br /> the Department of Environment, Agriculture, Parks and Recreation (DEAPR). He said he is <br /> bothered by the idea of cramming them into cubicles because planning was just moved out of <br /> that building to get rid of cubicles. He said there has been talk for 25 years of building an <br /> agriculture building and it is no closer to being done. He said the current space is not adequate <br /> and now the proposal would put them in an even smaller space. He said that FSA will not allow <br /> employees to be in a building in a flood plain, thus a move would break the organizations up <br /> that need to stay together. He said that the number of farmers is higher in Orange and he is <br /> very concerned about losing this agency. He said that the cost and all of the things he has <br /> mentioned are a major concern to the agriculture community. He said he does not feel the <br /> building is about to fall down and the agriculture community has been blindsided by this <br /> because they were not included in the planning upfront. <br /> Commissioner Price said she would support keeping these agencies together. <br /> Chair Jacobs summarized the following points: <br /> - Joint neighborhood meeting with town of Hillsborough regarding Whitted is needed <br /> - Need an updated cultural center business plan <br /> - Want more formalized conversation with the Board of Elections <br /> - Need to engage users of agriculture and environment building <br /> Chair Jacobs said regarding the last point, looking at the life expectancy of the building, <br /> is there a window where another facility could be built to meet the same needs before investing <br /> so much money that it is not cost effective to stay there. He questioned whether there is a <br /> window to meet these needs of agri building and noted that it would be good to see Adopted <br /> plan for Blackwood property which included possible accommodations of the facility. <br /> Chair Jacobs said there is a need for analysis of overarching space needs. He noted <br /> movements of many departments with varying levels of constituents, and some in buildings that <br /> aren't optimal. He said they do need more outreach and conceptualization to address concerns <br /> raised. He said that part of the push for new space is to accommodate growth in the different <br /> departments. He questioned the feasibility of any decisions being made this fiscal year. <br /> Commissioner Gordon said they need a description of departmental space requirements <br /> as well as the type of facilities needed to accommodate that. She referenced the 2012 Facilities <br /> Inventory and noted the need to add the Solid Waste Administration building. <br /> Frank Clifton said that the intention was to wait until the board had given its input before <br /> doing the community outreach. He said that, with regard to CIP, at this point it would simply be <br /> matter of setting aside money for design work. <br /> Commissioner McKee said the main point with his previous comment is that anything <br /> done by the board gets out into the public very quickly and rumors start. He said there is a need <br /> to involve the affected agencies and noted that there are several of those people in attendance <br /> at this meeting. <br /> Chair Jacobs said the request was to provide feedback to staff, and this has been done. <br /> He said that there was no plan to move forward without input, only to discuss options. He said <br /> that there will be plans to engage constituents in the future. <br /> Commissioner Gordon asked that her memo be inserted in the minutes <br /> 3. Discussion on Evaluation Process for Three Staff Members Appointed by the <br /> Board <br />
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