Minutes 02-12-2013
Board of County Commissioners
Minutes - Approved
Minutes 02-12-2013
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Last modified
3/20/2013 9:54:48 AM
Creation date
3/20/2013 9:50:14 AM
Meeting Type
Work Session
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Agenda - 02-12-2013 - Agenda
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Chair of Board of Elections Jim White said that most of their board is here and they are <br /> enraged that they would consider moving the Board of Elections. He said there may be only <br /> four employees but there were 12,000 voters in that building in November. He compared this to <br /> the idea that the Commissioners' new meeting room is underutilized because there is no office <br /> space in it. He said this is not a storage space but a voting space, and early voting site. He <br /> said there are multiple uses for it and setting up cubicles there does not seem like a good use <br /> for it. He expressed concern about voter parking and space in the plans and the need for <br /> analysis of use studies before moving forward. <br /> Chair Jacobs said there will be no decisions tonight and the point has been made that <br /> more engagement needs to be made with the constituents, including the Board of Elections and <br /> other cooperative extensions. <br /> Commissioner Gordon said this underscores her point that unless you do the space <br /> need studies she cannot make an informed decision. She said these decisions need to be <br /> grounded in more data. She said it is helpful to have an analysis of the buildings; but there is no <br /> data on departmental space requirements, usage, co-location, or chance for occupants to make <br /> their case and these things are needed. <br /> Chair Jacobs asked if it is more feasible to move folks from Revere Road to another <br /> space better suited to their needs, rather than continuing to put money into that facility. He said <br /> maybe the board should see the master plan for Blackwood Farm at New Hope because that <br /> group envisioned an agriculture related park with demonstration plots and programming that <br /> cannot be done at Revere Road, either. He said that, to Commissioner Gordon's point about <br /> determining space needs and co-location questions, that might go far in determining whether to <br /> continue investing in Revere Road; or recognize its limited life expectancy and put money aside <br /> for a facility to be brought online at a future date when Revere will be for sale or deconstructed. <br /> Frank Clifton said that of all the buildings the county owns, Revere Road is the biggest <br /> liability. He said it's a great space for its use today but the roof is going to fail. He recommends <br /> spending the barest amount possible on it if it is kept. He said the goal is to upgrade all county <br /> facilities to a consistent level. He said the other discussion is to show properties that are, <br /> through prior decisions of the board, now available and to determine best potential uses for <br /> them. He said with Revere Road, they have simply made use of it. Farm Service Agency pays <br /> rent in other counties, but the space here has been given to them in Orange County because it <br /> was not being used for anything else. He said both interim and long term steps are being <br /> looked at. It is a dilemma to consider spending money to replace air conditioning on a building <br /> that's Iifespan may only extend 2 more years. He noted that plans were designed for this <br /> building two years ago and the decision was made not to move forward. <br /> Chair Jacobs clarified that part of that decision was financial rather than design. <br /> Commissioner Gordon said she did ask for an addition to the Link Government Services <br /> Center and it could be made more high tech with better acoustics. She said does not know <br /> what it will cost to add on this building, but she would like to put it on the table. <br /> Frank Clifton said they have put geothermal wells, power, and air conditioning at the end <br /> of the building and this was seen as a fairly extensive expense that would shut the building <br /> down while those things were moved. <br /> Commissioner Gordon said there was a lack of long term planning because those wells <br /> were just put in and if a plan had been in place regarding a meeting room this wouldn't have <br /> been done. She said she is getting more determined that a long term plan needs to be done. <br /> Commissioner McKee said he does not believe any engagement was made with <br /> services in the agri-building and their constituents. He said some of the wording in the abstract <br /> regarding the deconstruction bothered him. He said this is a 50 year old building, the same age <br /> as Orange High. He said he is aware of problems with the roof leaking in place but he <br /> referenced the abstracts statement that the building has poor appearance and condition. He has <br />
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